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A member registered Nov 26, 2021

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I'm still having an issue where everytime i shut my laptop off it seems to hard reset the data for the game and I think it's probably an issue with my laptop since this has happened on every version I've tried. Would anyone know if there's a setting i have to change to stop this from happening? I'm not having much luck troubleshooting the issue myself

(1 edit)

I have no idea what's going on but I'm having this same game breaking problem I've had with the other 2 versions of the game in V4.2. I was playing it last night and everything was working just fine and nothing was out of the ordinary. I came back to play it today and for whatever reason all of my safe data is deleted, my settings are reset, and the character creator doesn't work properly because it won't let me finish the character and then pick an apartment for them to move in to. The finish button just doesn't do anything.

I honestly have no idea why this keeps happening, but instead a persistent problem I've had with every version of this game. I don't know if it has to do with my laptop, if it does I don't understand why the game runs fine those first few days and then everything just breaks itself. Redownloading the game usually doesn't work but I'll give it a try

I'm not sure what happened but I'm having a very odd bug at the moment. The game worked fine for about like 2 days, but I came back to it one day and it just decided to delete the characters I had in my apartment at the time. So I tried to close out to the character creator and restart but for some reason the finish button no longer works, and it locks me into the Creator with no way to leave. I can even get stuck in the settings menu because the button to close that will just decide to stop working as well. I tried to deleting and redownloading the game a few times but nothing seems to fix it. I have no idea what happened but I hope eventually it can work again because this game is adorable and I would love to keep playing it

I just had a quick question because I'm not sure if I missed it or not. The character with orange hair who you can meet in the park, are there any parameters to actually unlocking her? Because I'm on like day 42 or something and I don't believe I've seen her once and she's not in my contacts list

Im having a glitch where the background is just a green screen, and I can't progress throught the game in anyway. The phone still works and I can see the other options, but the background is just green and I can't do anything