currently the paid version goes to the end of day 2. 19 characters including the MC, 16 of which are H-able. Over 20 locations. A couple minigames. About 50 CGs. half a dozen costumes. First timers seem to take a few hours to get to the end so I think we have a solid chunk content. Free version is currently 1 update behind the petreon/SS version. so that should be pretty close as well.
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Oh... It seems you've found a bug. The hand you were supposed to give the rupee too is one the lower left. The one you gave the rupee too is set up for the an area in v0.15. You aren't supposed to be able to get by.
On the upside I'm pretty sure they both affect the same switch so if you check the bottom left you might be able to just grab the key.
-hide and seek quest is likely done. Once you find the little girl in the infirmary that's it for now.
-not sure the issue with dead girl talking. What's the current task and her current state (IE is she still tied up)
-This is likely your block. Have you done the werewolf quest yet? You'll need to click on a bush in the park to initiate it.
Sorry. I'm not sure why that happened. If you playing on windows you can find your saves at C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\MallCreeps
And androids everything is sandboxes and unfortunately you can't reach them.
We do have a check point system so you can start at specific days or the at the new content. To help take some of the sting out of incidents like this.
Try this out and let me know if it works
"Going Down" (After 'Making Friends2' Talk to Bianca in front of the elevator.)
-Check the power station An the Fountain back right side.
-Get Wire from the cash register at the Burger Joint. You need Intelligence 1.
-There's an Intelligence rune in Garden 2. To get there you'll need the key from the forest. Left side past the illusion tree.
-Get the knife from the Kitchen. if you don't already have it.
-Head back to the power station in the Fountain area.
-Talk to Bianca in the park to let her know the Elevator is fixed. She's not ready to enter yet.
-Move over to the Elevator again.
-Take a picture of the tongue inside the Elevator. Then talk to Bianca once she enters the Elevator.
Wire is in the cash register in the food court. Need the knife and Int level 1 I believe. That quest is probably what's blocking you from progression. you'll need to have started the task singing stone before the root hand gives you the proper prompt. That'll start after you're done with the elevator.