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A member registered Oct 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Its in the cash register. Need the knife though. I forget if you needed any stats.

Near the end of day 2. Planning for 6 or 7 day so about a third of the way through. I don't think the other days are going to be as big though. Becoming a patreon gets you access to the newest release. mid and high tiers get to vote of costumes when we do them which isn't terribly often unfortunately. So it's more a  more a support the dev if you can, and if you can't that's okay too. You'll just have to wait a bit longer.

Correct you need to progress Willow's event to get into the elevator. However we discovered a bug in v0.13 where if you complete Willows event where you have to guide her around the mall for a bit before doing Bianca's initial quest you can sequence lock.

This bug hasn't been fixed in v0.12 yet. Took quite a while to figure out what was going on.

This was a filler update so the new CG is mostly filler CG with not a lot of eventing behind it Most the written content is in the form of variation scenes on existing content. Here's the list.

New background: Greenhouse
New CG: 2nd Magician girl poster.
New CG: Werewolf changeroom.
New CG: Vtuber event.

New Variation: Sam changeroom. (one for underwear and one for naked. Have to leave the room between variations.)
New Variation: Cadet changeroom (one for underwear and one for naked. Have to leave the room between variations.)
New Variation: Goth hotdogging.
New Variation: Goth sex.
New Variation: Jeane expose breasts.
New Variation: Jeane grope
New Variation: Jeane handjob
New Variation: Jeane sex (Animation)
New Variation: Cadet blowjob finishes. (On face and in mouth.)

Does the Vtuber scene start playing? If so then it's a bug we only found in v0.13. The room objects behind the scene aren't switching off so if you tap one it starts a new event without finishing the old one.

Using the screwdriver on the boys restroom stall will complete cadets scene so that she'll move. Screwdriver is in storage 2. (half to access from the hallway).

Not yet. That's usually more high level stuff and we're on the second day. It is planned though.

Most likely when it's complete. I'm not sure how steam handles in progress games and am kinda nervous to try it out.

You might. I just download both files, the site upload and the mega link, as well as did tried update vs fresh install. All four scenarios were working fine. Can I ask what version it says on the lower right of the title screen?

There's 3 wolves. one in girls restroom, one one second floor, and one on the second floor. You might need higher stats if you can't get the item from them.

No. This isn't that sort of bug. I must have goof on the reupload. Either named it wrong or grabbed the wrong thing. I'll make sure I have that figured out by the end of the day.

Might have them misnumbered. Sink in the girls restroom and paint can just outside both also have a shard.

Might have them misnumbered. Sink in the girls restroom and paint can just outside both also have a shard.

Need a knife and high enough stats. You might be missing the intelligence rune in the Garden. (It's past the gate where Cadet is.)

That was actually only supposed to be in the paid version. You get it from the fishing minigame.


Talk with Amy on the second floor once she moves there. After that the wolves should let you pass.

The eye on top of the dialogue box triggers the lense which can allow you to see through clothes. Click it again to turn off.

Issue should now be fixed.

Issue on my end. Several objects got turned off. Fixing now.

On the left side of the big tree surrounded by smaller ones you can try walking into that tree tile. It should trigger an event with Willow and the path should open up you can directly reach the one in the middle.

Thank you for the bug report. I got the Bone in v 0.13. I'll look into the others.

As another user mentioned the event causing the bug is actually supposed to direct you to the next spot, a different closet. Will be fixed in the upcoming update.

Thanks for responding to this.

that's sounds like a memory leak issue. Although I'm not sure what could be causing it. Gamemaker is unfortunately very heavy on phones.

Yeah the golden orb thing and hide and seek are different quests unrelated to each other. It's a sequence overlap. Have you gotten the CG from the Doctor and the corner of the desk yet? If so hide and Seek is essentially done for now. If Willows boss hasn't shown up then likely it's the werewolf event that stopping it. (Click on the bushes next to the tea table in the park to initiate.)

Depends on what the bug is. She should go away after you drop her off back at the alley.

Protagonist is a male.

I put this link a few days ago but I missed your comment to inform you.

You have have to find her location by using the computer. It'll get a signal from the camera she stole. Then you just go to the location. (Behind the curtain in the infirmary.) If you've done that and the quest is still telling you to look for her it might be bugged.

(1 edit)

get the capture units in early. Their countdown will start even if she's not in the red.

Thank you for the bug report. They event causing the error is actually supposed to inform you there's a different door. (girls restroom) so at least this doesn't block your progress. Here you are. I'll update the link right away.

I believe talking to Hobbs in storage on the second is one of the main triggers. The oddity in a place that smiles is the one in the elevator.

Alright. Bugs fixed. Let me know if there's any more issues.

We just uploaded some bugs fixes and I used a different compilation method for the androids. Hopefully it helps.

It's not you. It's been an ongoing issue we've been trying to solve. Next bugfix will handle garbage collection a little differently. No idea if it'll work but worth a shot.

Thank you for the bug reports. One of them is fixed and awaiting upload. The police tape one was new.