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A member registered Mar 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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I do have some trouble with double letters ksksks i'll try to be more attentive about it! 

And thanks!! glad you like it, i hope to update it soon! <33

It's not abandoned kksks 

i swear i'll try to update it soon, but my main focus is my other story!

Thanks! I'll fix it 💕

(1 edit)

Yeah, 16 but some characters ages may change and MC's age too, i'm making a few changes at their backstories and other things.

Thanks!! <3

I get it....ksksk i had a lot fun writting it.


I'm working on adding some breaks on the paragraphs, because you're right it makes a little weird and tiring to read, and I completely forgot to put it.

Thanks for the correction, I'll try to clean up the writing of the prologue and I found someone to mark the mistakes before I publish the chapters.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

 Thanks! No,  my first language is portuguese. :)

Thankssss <3333

glad you liked it!


Glad you liked it! <33


Thanks ksksk <33

loved the comment skkskk


Glad you liked it! sksk <3333

They're the supreme baby boys! 💜


Thanks! kskskks

I'm glad you like it! :D

About the next update, i'm not very sure about a specific date. But I want to post it before june (let's see if my cram course will let me ksks).

Thanks!! ♥️♥️♥️

Thaaakssss!!! ♥️♥️♥️

Soon, let Levi get their time, they are still in shock ksksks

We all need a Matheus in our lifes ksksk

Dude sjdksdjsandj Thanks!<3<3

 It truly has Rapunzel vibes! kksksks

And  I'm glad you're liking it! ;D

Dude...You're crushes must be wild kskksks! (loved it ♡)

And sure! :)

I'm glad you liked it! ♡

I can't really say anything about it because... of spoilers👀👀👀👀 but Leon and Levi are comming soon don't worry :p

Thank you ! I'm glad you liked it <3333

"Mother Gothel" is totally the best adjective for her kkkk She's kinda of a bad person...

And for the Tumblr question, I haven't done but feel free to ask something if you want :) ❤

Hi! I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the feedback!

Yes, this part of the prologue is very to the point. I didn't really stop to think about it, but I went to see the second part that I wrote, and it is more in paragraph format than the released part. I think it's because I had more things to write about, like character descriptions, enviorement and etc.  But I'll take a better look at it and try to improve it for the next update!

Thank you very much for your opinion! ♥️

Yes, I realized that error only when i went to bed  kkkk I changed the variable's name, because of the mc's pronouns, so Isma's part  wasn't working . I fix it now! Thanks

Thanks!! <333

I'm really glad you liked it!! Roxanne is totally a Gothel kk  I'm glad that the typos did not interfere with the reading , I'll take a look  at it again but if you see any typos you can totally tell me, It helps a lot. :)

And last but not less important...Levi might be bad...

 but not as bad as the fall they will have for you. ♥

(...I'll just leave now. I need to sleep <3)

Thanks for the feedback! I'll fix it, and I'm glad you  enjoyed it so far :)

I'm glad you liked it!! ♡♡♡

Ow! Thank you  ♡

What a chapter! I'm completely in love with the characters and the plots!!

And what in the word was THAT scene with Irus!! i'm deep in love!

You're an amazing writter and i'm looking forward to seeing what will happen in the story!!  <3

Amazing story!! I really loved the plot! You are a amazing writer!  I'm really looking forward to the next chapter! :)