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Inês Reis

A member registered Jan 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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I think you found an issue that we were not aware of. Many thanks for the feedback!
If it's not too much of a bother can you try it again and see if you no longer feel the lag?

The game is a Gameboy-inspired game that renders the images with the pixel size of the Gameboy. The game is fairly simple and so far no one had any issues with it being laggy, the animations and movements seem laggy since we wanted to simulate the frame rate animations on game boy. The game is inspired by the 1992 X game, specially in the tunnel scene

We tried different speeds and we chose a pace that posed some challenge. Since the lasers are slightly randomized, you will also need more dexterity depending on the laser combinations

Thank you!

Oh! Without the down arrow, it is impossible to win the game.  But maybe it can be done, it will depend on the laser types that spawn, since they are slightly randomized.

Thank you so much for the kind comment. We are glad you liked it

The tower of Belem is real and it was used as a prison. The lasers are a fantasy part of the game, and it makes it more interesting

ahahaha yup, just noticed the mistake XD

If you still need a team I need a music artist XD

You can contact me trough discord: serienis

Did you hold the space bar, to charge the jump,  and listened to the charge sound? The animations were a bit broken because there was a lack of time but the jump itself should have worked.
