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Martin Modrák (Černý)

A member registered Nov 11, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hope I helped someone's PhD playing this :-) A small suggestion though: if I knew how much HP do I have left, I would make more rational choices. Without this information I behaved much more random.

Love the atmosphere! The game is pretty tough though - player for quite a while and found no components...

Nice game, I had fun! More instructions on the game page / in the game would be appreciated - for the others: right click to mark, Tab to open info on your target.

Te game is very nice! More instructions on how to play, what to achieve (either on the game page or in the game itself) would be welcome. For example, I did not figure out, what can I do with the "gun" thing.

Very pretty! With more game mechanics, this could be lots of fun.