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A member registered Jan 10, 2022

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I really really loved it. I loved how you incorporated the theme and how you got the message across. The dialogue writing was punchy, beautiful, powerful. I felt like someone was talking to me. ADORE the art and the ending. The sentence was powerful. Loved itt!

I actually absolutely adore this idea.  I feel like this game has so much potential and can go so far. And it's such a brilliant visual description of wastage. The music choice is all but perfect. Love the art-style chosen: reminds me of the old-school stick-man flash games that were amazing.

But I do have a few critique where I think there can be improvements:

1. I loved the music played during the level selector scene and I feel like it might sound really good if that continued into the game itself. But that's just a personal opinion xD

2. The gameplay needs a bit of work because there's a lot of idle-time/waiting. I saw a suggestion by Mikatte to take inspiration from pinball-type games and I'm in complete agreement. It'll just mean that there's continuous player involvement instead of having to just sit on our hands and wait for it to get over. Makes it more playable.

3. A speed up button would be really really well or maybe increase the amount of points one gets for catching poop. That'll also help improve the flow of the game.

4. The game is already really impactful, but to make it more, you could also have the river get filled with poop/trash when there's more wastage. It'll add to the already good visuals.

Overall, brilliant game and I loved playing it!

1. Brilliant Brilliant game. Love it so much. Firstly, the graphics are cute and I love them. I'm already in love with Mordecai. So Zed and Fiona, brilliant!

2. The choice of music is brilliant. Kudos to Mikatte. I love the playful, chill music at the beginning and the subsequent the other jazzy soundtrack. The vibe fits the game so well.

3. I love the tidbits we get at the level selector. That's a very nice touch.

4. Also, in awe that you guys manage to build so many levels in such a short amount of time. Kudos to Leslie. And the levels are really good too!

5. I love the animation and the smoothness of Mordekai xD I just refused to tap my buttons xd

I did have a few critique if you guys on to improve the game.

1. I'd love to have a retry button when I lose a level. Sort of lazy of me but i'd love to just click a button and replay the level instead of having to go to the menu and click the levels.

2. The text i feel like is a bit too big, which isn't a bad thing [makes it accessible for people!] but i will suggest improving the text that pops up when you lose. It's a difficult to see and the font doesn't match the game style. Maybe also add a bit more reason why the "soil is over-exerted". Something like "soil is over-exerted because you tried planting on the same patch more than two times!"

3. The levels, as good as they are, could do with a bit of difficulty scaling. They ramp up in difficulty quite quick.

But these are just suggestions. I still love the puzzles. Really good job! All of you!

1. Brilliant Brilliant game. Love it so much. Firstly, the graphics are cute and I love them. I'm already in love with Mordecai. So Zed and Fiona, brilliant!

2. The choice of music is brilliant. Kudos to Mikatte. I love the playful, chill music at the beginning and the subsequent the other jazzy soundtrack. The vibe fits the game so well.

3. I love the tidbits we get at the level selector. That's a very nice touch.

4. Also, in awe that you guys manage to build so many levels in such a short amount of time. Kudos to Leslie. And the levels are really good too!

I did have a few critique if you guys on to improve the game.

1. I'd love to have a retry button when I lose a level. Sort of lazy of me but i'd love to just click a button and replay the level instead of having to go to the menu and click the levels.

2. The text i feel like is a bit too big, which isn't a bad thing [makes it accessible for people!] but i will suggest improving the text that pops up when you lose. It's a difficult to see and the font doesn't match the game style. Maybe also add a bit more reason why the "soil is over-exerted". Something like "soil is over-exerted because you tried planting on the same patch more than two times!"

But these are just suggestions. I still love the puzzles. Really good job! All of you!

I love the concept for the game and how you molded a very popular hyper-casual mechanic to fit the theme of food. Brilliant Job on that. And it was quite fun to play too. The mechanic is really good, the gameplay loop fits the genre of hyper-casual, I loved that "satisfaction" of the food I pick up being visually displayed on the plate and that there is a person at the end of the level to which it goes to. Absolutely brilliant. 

I do have some feedback though that could help the game improve. Firstly, do add background music. The game feels empty, less satisfying and less appealing without it and adding music is especially important if you want to retain the player's attention and have them keep playing the game. 

Secondly, I think the visuals need to be tweaked a little still. Because as satisfying as it was to look at all the food being plated, it's less satisfying to see the food glitching and being inside one another [Like in the first level the two drinks were glitching inside each other and in all the levels, all the food that you picked would be merged together]. I do recommend finding ways that could solve this and make it look prettier. Like maybe the objective could be that the player can only pick three food per level so that all the food fits the plate. Or maybe everytime a food is picked up, the food assets on the plate shrink a little to make room for the new food. Something like that, but try to avoid glitchy assets.

Thirdly, I think you guys should try and playtesting the game and check people's response to the speed of the plate movement. Because I found that I preferred the speed of the plate on level 3 and that the speed of the plate on level 1 was just way too slow to keep me wanting to play the game.  Playtesting will help you guys figure that out better.

Also, do add a pause button and give players an option to change the game/sfx volume in-game!

But besides that, brilliant idea and concept. Love the plate breaking animation too, that was a nice attention to detail. Brilliant job!

The game is asking me for a password to decrypt it? Can't really play it.

(1 edit)

I'm so glad you guys did a puzzle game because I love puzzle games and your game has great potential too. For one, I like the visual style that you went with, I think it worked for the game you were going for. The watermelon in the background was cute, loved it. The pipe-style puzzle was a good visual fit for a game in the kitchen (professional kitchens have a lot of pipes so it makes sense for the puzzle to be of pipes!) and even the two levels that I played were designed well.

But, I do feel like the game can be improved a lot. Firstly, as much as I loved the visuals, the chef's animation wasn't perfect and was glitchy so that needs to be fixed. Secondly, the game was too dark. It took me a moment to figure out  what the game was actually about and where I had to look on the screen to play the game. So I suggest brightening the game in general especially because this is a cooking game right, and the vibe and the mood that I wanted from the game was that of happy and jolly and everything's going to go great! But it didn't feel like with how dark the screen was. 

The lack of music slightly diminished the gameplay experience, I recommend kay always add background music because audio is a major attention captivating factor. Without music, people won't stay for long to play the game. Even the sound effects chosen (especially for level change/start) I wasn't a big fan because they gave a very evil/eerie vibe which contradicted the cute visuals you know. Always try to write down the mood and the experience you want to provide to the players so that anything you do in the game revolves around it [For eg: If I was the developer of this game, the mood I'd want would be one of jolly and light-heartedness so the music and sfx I'd choose would be upbeat and happy although I'd use the same visuals because I really like the visuals].

Also do add menu buttons in game, especially a pause and a quit button. Extremely crucial for every game. 

Another thing that I feel like can be improved in the game is the "satisfaction factor" because with puzzle games, people like seeing the fruits of their labour (tbf this is true for many games not just puzzles). Like if I, for example, solved the pipe puzzle, I wanted to see visually what effect would it have on the game - like was there a purpose for the puzzle to be of pipes, could it be anything else? I did see the burgers move on to the plate every-time I solved a level, but visually as a player I did not feel like any connection  between solving a pipe puzzle and a burger magically moving onto the plate. Like, one suggestion that I had was to maybe make the pipes a drink dispenser?  Like there's a glass underneath and when the puzzle is solved, drinks pour in the glass and we see the order being delivered. That give the player the satisfaction that their actions actually had a purpose. 

But, regardless of my extensive lambi feedback, do take it with a pinch of salt and still be proud of the game because it is still a great game and an amazing concept! Great Job!

Ok firstly, I LOVE THE GAME MECHANICS. A Cube based world?? Brilliant. Those mechanics are some of my personal favorite. So kudos for originality and creativity. Then there's the core gameplay loop which is perfect for both the theme as well as for a hyper-casual game. Like I had so much fun playing the game.  The animation for the rotation of the cube was also very well done. The music choice was amazing and I loved that each region had it's own sound - enhances the playing experience so much.

There is still some improvement that can be made though. For example, as much as I loved the sounds for each region, I felt like they were way too loud and became slightly annoying when combined with the actual music with the game. I did also find a small bug where on Level two I couldn't collect the berry - like the pie-chart above it wasn't filling - so please do look into that if you aren't aware. Although the game mechanics and the gameplay kept me wanting to play more, I do feel like there's still some 'satisfying' factor missing from it to keep the player's attention. It could be fixed maybe through some powerups or maybe character upgrades (like the character changes outfit depending on the region they're in or maybe after a certain number of levels).

I also had a few suggestions for the game, to maybe put some ideas in your head, if you guys decide that you want to keep working on the game. One would be that you could definitely make this a "multi-world" game. What I mean by that is you can have a specific numbers of level take place in one world and when the player completes those levels they move on to the next world (like the first world is Earth, then they're on Mars etc. The worlds can even be fantastical!). 

Overall though, Love the game. Love the effort you guys put in it. Amazing Job!

Ahhhhh. That make sense, because I do now realize I think I saw a combo meter a couple times during the game and I do agree it adds complexity and nuance to the game but it does need to be finetuned a little [which game doesn't?]. I actually had a thought that maybe this game could actually benefit from a "tutorial level" where the game [through text and visuals and player interaction] guides player on how to play it. Like the game tells the player to go left or right, points out which stall is what, has the player go through the same stall-type twice to indicate the combo meter etc. Essentially a level in which the game holds the player's hands and walks them through it. 

But anyways, no need to thank me xD I love analyzing games, learning about games, observing what's right and what's wrong. It's a lot of fun xD Hopefully it'll help me get better at making them too.

And well glad to see you can voice act in your games too xD 

Look hey, from a person learning how to be a dev, trust me this was an amazing first attempt so you should be proud of it especially since this was just 7 hours! But glad this game jam helped you find the dev in you!

That's alright, that's how we all learn. 
But I have now played your game and as expected I was actually really really enjoying it. The concept, the mechanic, the core loop - brilliant. All of it was really really good. The three choice of mechanics [increase fishing distance/number of fish caught per turn/idle earnings] were well thought out and definitely add more to the gameplay experience. It gives the player a reason to keep playing so they can find out what more fish they can catch, while also providing them the satisfaction of knowing how far they've come in the game. Like the player will get the feeling that there is an end to the game and it'll want them to finish it. I even loved the visuals. I think everything just jelled together.

But, obviously, there are definitely improvements that can be made. Firstly, do add a quit option to leave the game. That's really important. Secondly, add music. Music is crucial for video games and for improving player's gameplay experience. In this type of game, some calm ambient background music would add so much to it [if you need royalty free music check out Youtube Audio Library]. I would recommend that when the player has caught the required fish per turn and the rope is being pulled up, there is a boat on the water that the rope is pulled towards. That adds a lot to the experience. Right now, it feels weird to just see the rope pulled up and there's nothing on the water. The "button" [I forgot what it was called} that appears after you've caught the fish is too big and needs to be adjusted. It's hiding the amount earned and has an unnecessary gray shadow behind it. Also, as much as I love the three mechanics, I think the economy is all over the place. Like why is the price for the number of wish I can hook increase when I buy the "increase idle earning" option. Why is the increase idle earning option always $120. Economy is a very hard thing to get right on first try so there's no shame in it, I do recommend play testing the game and also reading up more about game economy so you have a better understanding of the conventions and how to make sure the game doesn't become too easy so that the players can exploit it and finish it, nor too hard that it turns the player away from playing the game.

I also had a few recommendations of maybe adding powerups in the water that the player can "pick-up" which adds to the game. Like for example, there could be a powerup in the water which when the player hooks it, allows the player to pick-up 5 more finishes for only this turn or for the next two turns etc.

But other than this, I thoroughly enjoyed the game [really do wish there was music in it]. Definitely refine it and I hope you guys work on it more! Great job!

This is an amazing game with a lot of potential! There are a lot of great things about it. Firstly, the game mechanics - simple, funny, interactive. Love the popping up of emojis. The Game Loop is what is desired in a hyper-casual. I love the creativity and the originality in the game. The visuals perfectly complement the game and the gameplay. Even the car control is smooth and give me that manic 'crazy driver' feeling. 

There is still a lot of room for improvement however. For one, the music choice I think can be improved. I didn't feel like it was adding to my gameplay experience. There are a few bugs that need to be polished - specifically in the right-hand side area where I can clip through a few builds at the bottom, the shop, the building at the top right. There were on occasions when the camera completely zooms into the car [this happens when the car is very close to the building]. I was not particularly fond of that because that meant I couldn't see the environment anymore or where the car was and just had move my mouse around so the camera zooms out again. I also think there needs to be a bit more of a challenge or a motivating factor that needs to be added to the game, because right now although it entices a player to play it and check it out, but there's not enough of a challenge to keep the player playing the game. Maybe add a level system, or a bigger map, or some sort of ending that will satisfy the player and want them to play it more. Like I enjoyed hitting the NPCs with my car and sending them back so maybe you guys could conjure up a mechanic with that.

But overall, brilliant game. I hope you guys keep working on it because there's definitely potential for it to become a very playable hyper-casual. Great Job!

I think this was your very first game, in case kudos! Making a game itself is a big achievement and hats off to your for that.

Firstly, I do like the idea behind the game and the visuals were very nice and futuristic. Even the sound design matched the futuristic visuals. And loved the barrel-rolls!

But there are some critique/feedback that I do have of the game. Firstly the controls were confusing. I did not realize I had to use a mouse to control the jet. I think adding a small tutorial screen showing the controls would be beneficial. I also thought that the sensitivity of the mouse was a bit too much making it slightly difficult to control - and i tried playing with the keyboard but i found that to be a very very difficult experience - and since this is meant to be a hyper-casual - the controls should be simple and easy to understand.

Secondly, I felt like the jet was a bit slow so the pace of the game could be upped a little more.

Thirdly, from your lore i get where the food element is coming from, but I feel like the gameplay should be more based around food. Right now I'd classify this as a flying game rather than a food game [and the jam was about making a food game]. So, as important as it is to include the theme in your lore, also show it more in the gameplay itself.

But regardless, this was just feedback. I still believe that if you fine tune the game, it can become really really good. There's an android game called Race The Sun that had similar mechanics as your game, I'd recommend checking that out. Overall good job!

Although I love the display picture of the game, I haven't been able to play it yet because of the game compressed as a .rar (I don't have a winrar). That's a slight inconvenience and my feedback would be to always compress your games as .zip. I will however give a proper feedback when I play it later!

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LOVE THE GAME and the idea. It's simple, it's fun, it's something I probably would mindlessly pick-up to play. I'm a big fan of the fantasy setting of the game, especially the desi elements it has while also making it playable by people from other regions. The visuals are magnificent. Like I completely the adore the chosen art style for the characters and the overall game itself - goes so well with the lore and the type of game you guys made. The level selector being a moon and the levels different stages of it - amazing details. The core loop is simple and renowned so I don't have to speak much on how effective and trusted it is - its popularity does the speaking.

I do have some feedback and improvements that could be added. During the game (when the player is making the potions), there is no button to pause the game or reduce the volume of the game without completing that level. I do know there is a settings option at the main menu, but sometimes a player might want to reduce the volume mid-gameplay so that would be a handy option to have. 

Although I love the enchanting music in the background, I felt like it got a bit too repetitive for me. Also I could hear the cut in the music when the music looped which didn't provide the best of experience. This is not to say the sound design or the music was bad, not at all, I just personally would love a bit more variation in them.

Also I did find a small bug I thought I'd bring your attention to in case you guys want to work on it more: https://streamable.com/vrskui. Basically, long story short, during the transition from one customer to the next, a player can add any ingredient to the pot [which technically changes the recipe] but the player still gets a full score for following the recipe afterwards.

Now I was playing the WebGL version of it with headphones so some of my feedback and/or critique is a bit specific and maybe not present in the android version of the game. 

But overall an amazing game and an amazing experience. Would love to see more from you guys!

LOVE THE GAME. Like firstly, kudos to the art and the music selection. The animations and the color palette was so soothing to look at and the fridge opening animation was slick. Loved it. The music during the gameplay, gave me the energetic and the urgency vibes that i'd want from this game. The core loop of the game - simple and effective - just what a hypercasual should have.

I do some critique. The pause menu button and the sound button weren't working for me which are important for hyper-casual games, but I know that'll be fixed. The points that flash on the screen when I click a food, i felt like they were at times too big and interfered a little with the gameplay. I also noticed that at times the points weren't visible on the screen because the food i clicked was close to the edge which was slightly annoying because i wanted to see how many points i got for that particular food.

I did play the game on the WebGL so my experience is on this and not from on my phone.

But other than that, really great idea, great visuals, great gameplay. Great job!

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I completely love the game and I adore the concept. The visual experience of the game is on par with any major hyper-casual. The audio does go well with the gameplay but i feel like there could be variation within it to change it up and keep the players audibly interested. The core game loop was simple and straightforward - took me a second to grasp but once I did I realized how obvious it is. The only slightly downside to my gameplay experience is my confusion behind the scoring. Clearly there were a variety of food stalls [fries, fruits, burgers] but I don't know if there's a priority as to what I should aim for nor I do get why I wasn't getting three stars even if I went through an entire level without missing a food stand. Other than that I genuinely feel like this is a great game! Good job everyone! 

P.S: The soundbites were amazing! Loved them!