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A member registered Jun 09, 2022

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Well, Bobbo, the developer of the game, would disagree with you :)

you can't create text files directly within a zip folder, so you have to create it outside and drag it in or move all the files to a normal folder

No, the intended solution to the level itself is to just walk at the edge to dodge the duck
Turning off the sound also works, but that's actually the intended solution to get the duck

also I run the game straight from the zip file that I downloaded it from, which works fine but I suppose that could be the reason I had to restart? mayhaps

I don't think it needs to be totally replaced, just adjusted like the OP states
unless the camera issue is non-solvable, but I really like the idea of a maze where the collision with the floor is bugged and you  have to figure out the correct path
if the camera is the issue you might want to look for another way at hinting which tiles can be walked on

you messed up the time stamps by putting them in the comment section instead of the description but other than that great work :D

guess I should mention just in case but I use Windows 11

It works, though I was required to restart the game after adding the txt file

it definitely worked before but I haven't tried since a few updates ago, I'll try again just in case

I don't understand why you'd complain about the ending insult, it's obviously a joke, I don't see any harm in it whatsoever.
Or maybe I'm just used to being insulted lmao.
I actually dislike the word "snowflake" as a description of easily offended people, but my friends use it all the time and honestly it came to mind when I read the responses complaining about the ending insult. Still a shit word.
Although I can agree that if someone who shares some characteristics with the character they might feel a little hurt, imo it should still be pretty obvious that it's a joke and if something like that gets to you, you're probably very weak mentally in which case idk how you can survive on the internet at all (seriously though, if you do have issues with mental health, seek therapy, it really helps. Even if you don't, still get a therapist, it's improves anyone's mental health regardless of if it's already positive. Beware that some therapists are shit or don't match your personality, so you should try multiple ones instead of giving up after one doesn't work.)
Maybe I'm just a toxic person though, I've heard that a couple times, it's just how my world view works :p

well the player hitbox is round so it makes sense
he'd have to change the player hitbox to fix this, which he probably will at some point in the future but it would probably not be a priority

that's actually not a bad idea, I like the direction of it, but it's a little forced

I mean, I suppose you could guess and memorize the correct path, but that is just objectively harder lmao
basically no, that's the only solution, the 1's represent where you can step and the 0's where you cannot, it's a little difficult to keep track of where you are since the 1's and 0's are on a different grid that only represents what you're stepping on, but that's part of the challenge

(2 edits)

other than 8 and 9, I don't think there is much more time to be saved (other than optimizations), so well done :D

I noticed you have the platformsettings file already done for level 10, most likely before the start of the speedrun
idk if that would invalidate the speedrun or not, I just thought it'd be an interesting discussion whether that should be allowed or if it would make more sense to have the player do each level from scratch during a speedrun

Thanks a bunch, I was just about to go to bed when I remembered I said I would fix this today, so glad I don't have to spend my time doing that this late now lol

I imagine in 3 years when we're randomly discussing the early stages of the game someone will bring the "second 4th level" up
everyone just goes silent, even though it's a text conversation you can feel the glares
the new guy finally asks
"what was the second 4th level"
and then "we don't talk about bruno" suddenly plays in the background but the lyrics are edited "we don't talk about second 4th level-no no"


Poggers :D

Did you drag the game file out of the folder?
In that case it won't work, the game file has to be inside the folder

you might have to restart the game, if you haven't tried that already

please give some more information than that, like are you using windows, mac or linux, and is it the website not working, just the button itself, maybe you can't find the button, or does the file not download correctly at all, or do you not know what to do with the file to actually start the game, etc etc
if you don't explain the problem properly it's impossible for anyone to help you

oops, yeah I see you didn't actually say safe I don't know why my brain went there on it's own lol

wait really
I remember trying to go on the very edge and it still spotted me so I sat there for like 5 minutes thinking of what to do until it hit me
maybe I'm just dumb again, though since I thought of the setting I must also be somewhat smart hehe

I had no idea there was a safe spot like that, indeed that makes it more useful, I'll edit the post right away, thanks! :D

I just made the base-assumption that anyone reading already knows how to clear the stage, since you wouldn't need this guide if you can't even complete each level, and thus they can just walk on it.
Unless there is a second setting to get the bug? In which case yeah I must have done it on accident and then I have no idea what the intended way is haha.

I'll have to experiment a little more on level 9 then, I haven't been able to find a reliable way to make it up the ramp other than mostly luck, though the times I did try it was pretty easy to get the bug if you're just patient since you're at a place where you still have time to dodge the ducks as they appear.

(18 edits)

Just as the title says, this is for those who are stuck trying to catch the bugs but want to experience the second ending.


STAGE ONE: Just hold space to make the platform move. Stand on the platform to get to the folder.

STAGE TWO: Point the camera upwards so you can't see the player. You can now walk through the wall to get to the folder.

STAGE THREE: You can just walk to the folder if you are far enough away from the duck.

STAGE FOUR: Resizing and moving the pause menu resizes and moves the stage. You have to keep scaling the menu up and moving it left. You will have to make it much larger than the width of the screen.

STAGE FIVE: Open the pause menu and either resize the window or move the scroll bar down. Line 9 is the solution.

STAGE SIX: By spinning your camera in circles, the giant duck will decrease or increase in size depending on the way you spin. You have to push the duck under the gap and then scale it up again. It will be easier to move if you scale it down first.

STAGE SEVEN: You can only move when the game is paused. If you drag the pause menu out of the way it will be easier to see. You have to hover over the edge where the folder is, un-pause and pause again to drop down and then move over to the folder while paused.

STAGE EIGHT: Once you have the first checkpoint, in the pause menu the "restart from checkpoint" option will appear. If you select it you will spawn on the checkpoint with the movable block in a position when you can push it to cross the gap. Get the second checkpoint and restart from checkpoint again. Now you can drop down to the folder.

STAGE NINE: On the bottom of the stage are 1s and 0s, 1s indicate squares that you can walk on, 0s you will fall through. Some of the squares are set randomly each time you restart the level but there is a certain path to the folder that is the same every time.

STAGE TEN: Create a file called "platformsettings.txt" and write "moving=true" inside. Put this file in the game folder or the data folder. When you go back into the game it should be moving.


STAGE ONE: Go underneath the moving blue platform, and it will push you onto a second level where the bug is.

STAGE TWO: You can obscure the player by rotating the camera so it's behind the furthest corner of the stage, then you can walk through the glass wall to get the bug.

STAGE THREE: Turn the sound off in the settings and the duck won't be able to hear your footsteps.

STAGE FOUR: If you open the pause menu, you'll find that on the bottom right there is a golden bug. To catch it, you have to move to the corresponding corner of the platform. You have to get to the very edge of the corner to actually catch it, but you don't have to fall off.

STAGE FIVE: Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and another platform with the bug will appear.

If you're wondering where you find out those are the keys to press: Just go to the corner away from the displayed code and look up as high as you can, you should see a message telling you to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to get the bug, you should always be able to see this message, regardless of your monitor. If you can't, you need to step back further :)

STAGE SIX: By spinning your camera in circles, the giant duck will decrease or increase in size depending on the way you spin. You have to shrink the duck as small as possible and push it through the hole in the wall behind the duck. Then if you scale it up it will push the bug to an accessible position. 

STAGE SEVEN: By pushing the duck onto the spot where you spawn, and jumping off the platform. You will now spawn on top of the duck, and can catch the bug.

STAGE EIGHT: Don't get the second checkpoint (if you already did you can reset everything by using the normal restart option in the pause menu). Push  the block with the bug on from behind til it slots into place, then drop off of the side of the level. You will respawn at the first checkpoint and be able to reach the bug.

STAGE NINE: The path to the folder is the same every time, but the path to the bug changes each time you restart the level. Just restart the level until you have a fairly easy way to reach the bug. It is underneath the stage and you have to fall through a missing panel to get to it, and time it right! You can also walk diagonally between squares to make it easier.

STAGE TEN: Create a file called "bugsettings.txt" and write "moving=true" inside. Put this file in the game folder or the data folder. When you go back into the game it should be moving.

Honorable mention
A user named Killallplayers has made a complete video guide for the game, you can find it here: 

(OUTDATED - solutions for the old version)

Old Honorable mention
A user named Flamegast made a complete video guide for the old version of the game, you can find it here: 


Big thanks to massacring for putting this together. I have made some edits because I'm updating the game so often, but this guide has been v helpful to a lot of people! Really appreciated!

(1 edit)

wait... do you have to go to the correct corner of the platform? I just thought you had to place the menu icon itself over the player hahaha
alright, let me test that out, but in that case it's not a bug at all I'm just dumb xD
EDIT: I'm totally just dumb lol

I tried jumping off once but not multiple times since it didn't work the first, but I suppose it's just bugged then.

so, as the title says, I think the golden bug is bugged for me in level 10
I heard you're supposed to get it by placing the golden bug in the pause menu on yourself, but nothing happens when I do
maybe I'm just really dumb, here's a pic to show exactly what I did:

I completely agree with your first point, I didn't know how to put it into words but you did it perfectly!
As for the second point, I'm not sure if I understand it correctly;
Basically you're saying you want a help tool that points the player in the right direction? Not like a tutorial, but an active tool throughout the game so that you're never confused about what to do? I agree with that, and I think the game tries to do that with the displayed code feature, but it falls off a little in some places
a tutorial could solve this as well, but I think a tool that is with you the entire game is more immersive

I would agree that it's a little too sensitive for me, it's a solvable issue (I just changed my mouse sensitivity) but it'd be nice to have it in the settings maybe? since it depends on the person, so no matter what you make it someone will always feel like it's weird

I found out just now, but apparently you have to do the same thing as with the platform
haven't tried it yet but I assume you make a file called "bugsettings.txt" and put "moving=true" in it
if not then I have no idea still

I should've probably made that more obvious, my bad!

That'd be awesome! my discord is massacring#7090, that's the most surefire way of getting in contact with me. I'd absolutely love to do playtesting, although I have no experience with it so don't expect something professional haha

I actually noticed that golden bug in the menu, tried to click it, but then ignored it since nothing happened
that's just me being stupid I guess, thanks though!

ooh, I see, that does make sense, lol like I said I've never played games where you have to go into the files before so I didn't think of it, but now I realize it's pretty obvious
Thank you :D

I agree with most of what you said, I can understand that sometimes games are meant to be frustrating but this just didn't seem like a game where that's the case.

Warning, there will be major spoilers for how to complete each level and how to catch the bugs (for the ones I could catch at least), I'll mark them all as best I can, but you have been warned.

Note: I am not a professional reviewer. I write from the heart, and I don't know how to make it sound "nice". I'm not trying to be hateful, and not a single part of this is a "you must change this or the game is not enjoyable" type of deal. I enjoyed the game, I was just frustrated during some parts and I think there might be ways to avoid that frustration. This might even be on purpose, I just don't like frustrating games. Though Stage 3 is an exception, I actually really want that changed if possible, but if I'm the only one that thinks that way I wouldn't exactly be devastated if it wasn't changed.


I had arranged the files neatly, went in to try a catch another bug, came back to see them all around the place again. My OCD is screaming.

I love the unique idea of the menu being a code editor, although I have no idea how a person who doesn't know how code editors work will feel, but like you said in the video it's fairly self-explanatory so they should be able to figure it out. I just keep hearing my old teacher screaming at the back of my head "As a developer one should never assume that your users know how to do something".


Lovely first stage, just by looking around you can easily spot the bug collectable, at first you'll assume the whole on the far side is how you get to it but after trying a while you'll start thinking that might not be it, until you finally realize (although for me it was on accident) that [spoiler] you have to stand under the moving platform to make it push you underneath.


It honestly took me a minute to realize what was even going on, a multitude of things went through my mind before I realized "oh you control two characters on this level". After that however, it's pretty obvious what you have to do, just move the characters in a way that aligns with where they both need to go, utilizing walls if one of them needs to be stuck in place.

My only issue with this level is the controls themselves. I find it incredibly difficult to walk how I want to walk, and I think it's because of the forced camera movement that messes me up. If I could move as I wanted the level would be so much more satisfying for me.

No comment on the bug of this level, since it's just the same as completing the level but with extra steps.



Let's start with catching the bug. I do love the idea of [Spoiler] having hidden text way up in the sky that tells you how to find the bug. It's not what I was expecting, and I mostly found it by accident while stuck on the level itself. [End of spoiler] It's easy to find if you just spend some time on the level, which is exactly what I think a collectable should be.

I'll be honest, I dislike this level. There is absolutely nothing that indicates how to solve it, and on the contrary the //comment in the level actually made me more confused and pointed me in the wrong direction. Maybe it's just me, but I think this level needs a better hint.

To win this level you have to [Spoiler] resize the pause menu to reveal a "level.skip()" function. There is a comment in the level stating "revert changes in editor", to me this is definitely not a hint for a level skip button, but rather a hint for the level restart button. Consequently, [End of spoiler] I ended up spending around 20 minutes total trying different buttons or falling off the platform in different ways, both after, before and while I press the space button to activate the platform. Obviously, none of it worked, and the only way I found the solution was somebody telling me how to do it on this forum (props to derJul31 for that one).

Additionally, I find the intended solution to actually be quite unsatisfying in and of itself, but that's just a me problem.


Although it's very fiddley, I love the way to catch the bug on this level as well. [Spoiler] You have to push the duck between the crack behind where the player spawns, and for a split second you can fall onto the duck and move under the spawning platform to catch the bug. [End of spoiler]

However, the level itself is a little problematic. The solution is obvious, but I find that the duck can very easily "outrun" you, which causes you to lose and restart. Maybe I'm just impatient, but I feel like most people would be since there is a lot of pressure to be fast during this level. However, increasing the time you can be away from the duck will probably make the level too easy. My opinion is increasing the time a little and then makin the course itself slightly more difficult at some places. I just don't want to feel like "there was no way for me to prevent that" while I lose the puzzle because the duck fell slightly faster than me, or bounced away just a little too far, which can happen no matter how gentle I am.

Also, the second fall (right before the slant) is giving me some attitude man, I keep falling off half the time ;-;


I love this stage. I mean, I have absolutely no idea how to catch the bug, but I can't critique that since I could just be dumb. The concept of having to move towards the duck and predict how fast you are compared to the duck and then line yourself up is great, I had lots of fun.


I really like the idea of this as well, but only a very specific group of people will actually be able to solve this. To be fair, I doubt anyone who uses wouldn't be in that group, but since you said you might want to make this into a more serious project in your video I think this stage needs to go. [Spoiler] For instance, even though I am a programmer and know my way around computers, the thought to actually go in and create a file in the game files to solve this stage never even crossed my mind and I was shocked when I found out the answer on this forum, because I've never seen that in a game before (but maybe that's because I don't usually play small indie games like this, I created this account just to try out this game lol).

I also have no idea how to catch the bug on this one.


Hilarious, absolutely no complaints or critique to give.


I love the concept a lot, but just like stage two, the controls are fucking me over again. It's not actually as difficult to deal with as stage 2 (at least for me) but it's definitely under the category of frustrating.

Catching the bug, although I know how to, is the most annoying thing I've done this game. I failed over and over because it moved too fast, or it stopped just out of reach, it was horrible, please make it stationary since it's already a challenge to get there ;-;


I like it, it can be a little frustrating since the ducks tend to bounce a little randomly, but it's not the end of the world.

What I will say is that, although this is just personal preference again, you should never make something detrimental that is completely out of the control and prediction of the player. That is to say, if the player can't control or predict the danger, it becomes unfair. Here, the ducks falling on you is predictable in the start, but once you go up it's completely random and it's impossible to dodge if you get unlucky.

Weirdly enough that didn't happen when I first played so maybe you already coded a failsafe for this, but I assume I just got lucky.


This faces the same issues as stage three, but since you've already completed stage three to get here that's not much of an issue and you can pretty easily figure out the solution. In contrast to stage three though, the solution is really fun and I don't find it unsatisfying at all.

No idea how to catch the bug in this stage either.


Great game. Can't wait until I catch all the bugs to see the alternate ending. I enjoyed myself immensely, and I hope you keep working on it.

Sorry again if I sounded too harsh, it's my first time giving critique. If you want, you can critique my critique, honestly I'm curious.

The first level was easy and well made, had me fooled about how to collect the bug but eventually figured it out.
The second level was harder by leaps and bounds, at least to get the bug. Got it eventually, if I were to critique it I would say that it was easy to figure out how to solve it, but then I had to do a lot of precise movements that felt difficult with the controls. In the end I felt very satisfied because of the struggle, so it's not necessarily a bad feature :)
However on the third level, I've been stuck for a good 10 minutes now with literally no progress. I got the bug pretty easily after being stuck a while, but I have absolutely no idea how to progress. It said I can "revert changes in editor", which I assume means the restart level option, but it doesn't help me at all since I don't know why I need it to begin with. Before and after the error shows up, I can't get away from the platform or do anything, and no matter what I press (other than to get the bug) only space bar actually has an effect on the game, and it's only for the first time I press it.
I have no idea what to do, if anyone can help that'd be great!