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A member registered Oct 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ataraxia community · Created a new topic Rules & Welcome
(2 edits)

This is the community board for Ataraxia.

The rules are basic:

  • Be respectful of each others.
  • Try to be constructive in your feedback, I want to improve, not be demoralized ;)
  • Use the tags.

What is being worked on:

  • Better graphics (I am modelling all possible buildings, characters and crusaders)
  • Better tutorial (after the graphic overhaul, it will include images to guid you along)
  • Grammar error fixes
  • More Gods?

Ye, the game state information was in my to-do list, but the end got really rushed as I had almost no free time to work on the game...

Thanks for the kind comment any way :)

Ah yes, the game start paused and I had forgotten to notify this tiny bit in the game description...

I'll continue the game after the jam so look forward to it :)

Thank you very much. It was my first ever actual game so it feels good to see such comments.

I'll continue the game post jam to make it actually work and go through all the problems (like making a menu to leave the game, making some sound design, adding cards and a deck building function, and most obviously, fixing the AI's movements)