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A member registered Sep 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Super fun game. Art was pleasing, gameplay works well. The collecting coins was annoying just because of how close I had to get to existing enemies to collect them, but this is over all a great game.

Thank you, I plan on making something worth-while on the next one.

Super fun and creative! I like the simplicity of the controls, although I would like it to be more obvious what die I have selected maybe highlighting or a spotlight, but otherwise its well made and enjoyable to play with friends.

Awesome job, definitely could use some fine tuning in more than one spot, but overall well done game. With a little more time, this could be a blast to play!

Absolutely incredible game, the "ah-ha" moments in every puzzle gives a boost in serotonin. Just wish there was a super satisfying thunk noise when the cube rolls ;). Awesome job. I can't wait to see your next project!

Absolutely incredible game, the "ah-ha" moments in every puzzle gives a boost in serotonin. Just wish there was a super satisfying thunk noise when the cube rolls ;). Awesome job. I can't wait to see your next project!

First time uploading to itch, so I might have messed something up here, I think it needs all 3 files in a folder to run.