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A member registered Jan 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Belíssimo! Só não entendi muito bem como deveria funcionar, mesmo fazendo exatamente o que as imagens mostram, muitas vezes não acontecia nada. E achei o som do vento repetitivo, poderia ter mais sons ou acertar o tempo e pitch do som de acordo com a distância que ele vai. Acertando isso o jogo ficará bem legal. 

Muito bem produzido, parabéns! Só achei bem difícil, tive a sensação que precisa de um bocado de sorte depois que começam as caixas vermelhas. Podia ter um jeito de segurar as bolinhas sem tomar dano se apertar o mouse na hora certa ou algo assim, pois desviar é quase impossível. Mas o jogo ficou divertido e muito bonito, gostei!

Hey thanks for your comment! 

(1 edit)

Thanks everybody for your support! My game made it! :D

If you didn't rate it, you can still do it, you know... it's a fun game!

I honestly didn't get it but it has a nice feel to it and amazing style.

Thank you! The spider webs should have a timer to disappear, I didn't think about that until it was too late! Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!

Thank you very much! The burgers were one of my last hour additions, I didn't have time to think about it too much! I will consider every comment into improving the game, thank you!

Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you for your kind comment! I plan to keep working on it and improve the game, check back in a few months!

Thank you very much! :)

Thanks for your feedback, I will check the colliders again, maybe make them a little bigger.

Thank you! Happy to know you wanted to play more than once!

Thank you!

Thank you, my friend!

Thanks, man! <3

Thank you for your comments and feedback!

Thank you!

Thank you! I hope so!

Thanks for playing and for pointing out this bug. Thank you for your comment!

Thanks for your feedback! This is the first time I used post processing in a game and I really went overboard with it. I shall take every comment into consideration to improve this game!

Thank you for your very detailed feedback, I plan to improve this game and every tip I can get is important!

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for pointing that out! It probably got stuck on the death animation, as it was one of the last things I added and was almost on the deadline, probably forgot to reset the animation state. Thanks for your feedback!

Wow, that's a great idea! This would be even better with more advanced AI, although I know it's not something easy to, if you keep at it you can make this a great game! I also felt like a "fail state" is missing, or either I didn't notice I could lose the game. The sound for when the ships pass through was a funny touch! Overall  a good entry for the jam! 

Simple and fun game, I laughed with the intro and loved the music! I played until I beat the highscore! Good job, I would love to see the larger game you had in mind! 

Wow, that's a lot! Thank you very much, that's really helpful! 

Hello, I have participated in some game jams before, but this is the first time I'll be trying a horror theme. Where can I find games from previous Scream Jams to get inspiration? 

This is too cute! I loved the style and the idea! Some on screen button inputs would be nice, it took me some time to realize I needed to press F to bite and drag the pillow. More levels would have been fun! Good game!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!

Loved the muder bunnies! Nice graphics too. But is it really possible to finish the game? I gave up after a few minutes trying to beat the room full of big demons. It was fun until that point!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!

The game is funny, I liked the crazy  customers and crazy food, but everything happens so fast it's hard to know what to do! I also didn't know how change the food once I had the 3 slots occupied, I needed a different food and couldn't change it. A more paced beggining with some tutorial would have made it a lot better!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!

Just coming back to say I've played almost 50 games and I'm still rooting for yours, the best so far in my opinion!

I absolutely love the concept, the intro was great and the graphics are just fine. But the game has such a slow pace, and the going back and forth always on the same path makes it really boring. We could have a faster walk speed and some challenges on the way, and the talking part could be more fleshed out, with better options. This can become a really good, unique game!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!

Really funny! Short and sweet!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!


I like the way the bullets fly, it makes some nice visuals. It would have been good if we could also move the ship up or down and there were some different enemies!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!


Great mechanic, great fit for the theme! But it's too hard, I tried a few times just to get past the first corridor. Took me a while to realize where the pickups were, and also think the extinguisher ends too fast and has too little range. It's very chaotic, toning the difficulty down a little would make for a more pleasant experience and there would still be plenty chaos.

Overall great game, great visual and sound effects, loved the slowing time dynamic!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!


This is too hard, even without accelerating! I never lasted through the end, barely a few seconds (the little yellow stars are too fast). If difficulty increase was more gradual it would have been better. But overall the game looks and plays nice!

I would really appreciate if you could also play and rate my game, I'm looking for feedbacks! Thanks!


The TV Show where anything goes!

Spin the wheel and get a random weapon: a gun that screams like a bird, a big sewage cannon, and more! Killer Clowns, mad cowboys and scary spiders await you in the chaotic arena, can you kill 50 of them and be today's winner? Airing every day, any time! Watch it here:

PS.: in the first scene you must walk up to the wheel, your character is the bottom left corner, offscreen. My bad.  :)