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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thank you! Honestly, I tried to have it so that you aren't soft-locked in any room. But this one is definitely on me because I did add a self-destruct just in case I forgot to list it in the controls!

(1 edit)

I really like the game! I think the story has a lot of charm and I absolutely love the design of the characters. The setup for the story and gameplay concept could definitely expand into something bigger if you choose so. I could instantly pick up on the subtle differences between each brother. 

There are a few things:

  • The movement of the brothers and the camera can use a bit of work. The character movement feels a bit stiff and a lot of the area becomes out of sight of the camera when you move. I think this could be improved by playing around with the speed, jump, and gravity of the brothers and maybe looking into implementing a more dynamic camera.
  • Also, I didn't really figure out the functionality of the green buttons? But it might be that the things they affected were off-screen. 
  • Finally, just a bug but the section with the pit has a collision in the air, so you can't fall in and can walk/float over the pit!
  • Additionally, it's completely opinionated but I think that the visuals would look a bit better if you stuck with pixel art for the world/environment and not just the brothers.

Overall, I think there are things to improve (for example I would bind the switch to SHIFT instead of E, though I didn't really have any problems with the current implementation). However, I think if you wanted to make some changes and expand the gameplay (like introducing different elements for each brother, more environment assets, etc...), you could make this into something really special!

Congrats on your first complete game! I really like the atmosphere of the game from the shifting of the time of day and the world-shaking from larger enemies.

I really like the gameplay! Very basic in concept, but it works really well as the core mechanic. I would love if you could change the rotation of the jump direction between clockwise and counterclockwise. Only real issue is the visuals. The art looks great, but the pixel art is quite blurry. I think it might be a simple issue of the filter mode being used on the game assets or the game in general (I had a similar issue in Gadot).

Game Title/URL: Chroma Shift (

Pitch/Information: Change your colour to platform your way to the other side.

I'd like feedback on: Generally anything. This is my first Game Jam and first game so I know there's a lot to work on.

I need help on: The biggest bug is with the grapple line when the player is blue. The line seems to turn blue in the unity editor, but when built it reverts to red. I think I used linerenderer.material (Unity) to change the colour. I know this is not the way to do it, but I couldn't figure out another way.
