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A member registered Apr 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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it's just the name of the app

mmh it's been a long time

you can add hats and faces by yourself, it's not hard.

About packages (robloxian 2.0), I don't know if bitl did something about them since I'm not that active anymore here but last thing I remember was that they still don't work in novetus

It's not that simple

sorry I don't understand, are those the stamperparts only or the stamper tools too?

iirc was austiblox assets site, now they use another one idk which one tho

this is broken, and I don't mean that maybe you can get it to work, no, completely broken

here's the link anyways

I wrote this 2 years ago bruh wtf

bruh what LMAOOO

in the  stampers for austiblox there should be a starter gui model with the tools but you don't have it? Strange

no way, try redownloading this

there should be 3 different models: workspace, lighting and starter gui.

Workspace scripts in workspace

lighting scripts in lighting

and the tools in the starter gui model in the starterpack, probably they typed it wrong

first of all, these are austiblox's stamper tools and they only work for 2012M (I don't know if this only works in their client).

I think that the workspace stuff should be in workspace, lighting should be in lighting and probably startergui should be in starterpack because I don't see why tools should be put in starter gui. I mean try, or else join austiblox

I can't regen ID and doing a local host/join doesn't work in any version (You've lost connection to the game)

Yeah I realized by looking a this post Yesterday. I got the notification and I thought he was talking to me. I feel bad for the kid now tbh

You need btrblox. Then like I said l, go to the item on the shop, look in the tree menu And go on the mesh, click on the chain link of the texture and save the image

you get it from roblox site 

download it

why don't you add it by yourself?

Hey, listen here, I never sent bitl a 1000 msg/hour to get the menu, I just made a post, ONLY ONE TIME, and he said that wasn't going to add it. And what's really your point? Novetus+ is broken

is it possible to fix trustcheck too?

nevermind I just needed to press shift + f9 because some exception thing idk

I don't think is that deep

You're the man, thanks!

you can use the 2013 client by gage.

Also wdym with the stamper tools? There are missing tools in the gage provided ones?


okay after you download his clients (that you can find on this forum)

You'll need these

When you insert them in the game, there will be 3 models named Workspace, Lighting and StarterGui

NOTE: gage messed up and called the model StarterGui instead of StarterPack.

Then, taking the workspace model for example:

Cut the workspace model,

Paste it in Workspace,

Ungroup it too (I don't know if it's necessary but I do it like that)

And then do that for the other 2 models.


for anything I can do, let me know :)

Nah don't worry I'm like that too XD also said that to make stamper tools working you need his novetus client and his stamper tools

oh also gage said that austiblox willl be windows only so you only can get it work on novetus 

I don't know either how to extract, sorry, but you can browse every set on pizzaboxer site. About the stamper tools, Gage4 did all the work to make them work. I'll ask him later on how to use them on novetus, sorry! 

Sorry I totally forgot about this XD

They don't work on Novetus, just tried, however, they do work on austiblox

Also link to archive

Play austiblox

I didn't really mention that on austiblox they have the stamper tools working

Ok so talking about stock novetus, I don't really know. I asked gage4, owner of Austiblox, a novetus based revival, how to add them in novetus and he sent me a script and from what I can tell it changes the content provider link to the link that works (iirc because I'm not on my computer rn) + he modified the stamper tools to work. I either can send you both but I recommend you using his 2012M client that he posted on here some months ago because I don't know if the novetus client of 2012M is either a bitl one or he's using the austiblox one. Sorry to leave you hanging rn but I'm not at my pc. Cheers.

pizzaboxer archived them

for discord server ask this guy uknown.png#0755

for rbolock clients (not sure if they still work):

I didn't play novetus in a while now, what's that and why I can't save places

the ones in the "models" folder work now? or some modified stamper tools you made?

do you understand that the modpack is broken? Right?