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A member registered Oct 25, 2023

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Ah wait, I’ve just realized that the number of victory points also scales as you progress higher in the Tower. 😅 Nevermind then, I thought it was a change on the developer’s side. 

After the last December update, when you maxed out your victory bonus to 3x, the maximum number of victory points has initially decreased. It was 90-210-390 points (or 375 points, don’t recall for sure). It felt like a drag to grow through the rankings.

Now, it is 120 points for the lowest league, 240 for the middle league and 420 points for the top-tier league. At least, I was able to get to level 13 for the first time. 

Oh wow, that’s a lot! How were you able to get that many? I got my first 122 Yin And Yang just yesterday. :D I haven’t leveled up any of my maidens to Level 25 yet. 

Thank you  for fixing the battle points in Colloseum. Is it possible to do something about the rewards as well? Yes, the frequency of the event has increased, but what’s the point of going through it every time if it is such a drag?

Fully agree with your suggestions! Right now it becomes a drag. For me, it’s bearable until Colosseum 4K, but afterwards it’s just a silly grind fest. It was fun the first 2-3 times, but I’m not going to attempt going beyond that. 

After the Dec 21 update, it seems to me that the World Bosses’ Fire and Water gates didn’t get nerfed. I was able to advance further in three other gates. Could you please apply the changes to the Fire and Water gates, too? Thanks in advance! 

I agree. I observed the same pattern in league 3, the opponents used to have 14-20K hp, now I face opponents up to 30K hp. Now I’m in limbo between league 3 and league 4. :( It seems that with the new updates it will take me more time to reach the top league.

It seems that the Blue and Fire World Bosses were not nerfed. I was able to advance further in 3 others after the update.

(1 edit)

Nice! I haven’t received any notifications in the game yet.

There was a bug in the Imperial Harem level that I noticed today. When I got 18K silver (pirate) coins that opens the chest 10 times, I didn’t get a guaranteed Mystic girl. 

It seems that it would be only possible if I clicked on a single (2K) chest 10 times, the counter changed only then.  

how can I join the event? For now, I can only see that the Event is coming soon. I finished the Imperial Harem event today though.