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Max Wilson

A member registered Apr 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Tangle is a colour-matching block breaker game. Its theme is knitting and wool, and it's made to be a quick and satisfying game. 

The game's mechanics are inspired by colour match games  like BattleCamp which are quick and have a high skill ceiling, whilst also being casual fun.

You can break the blocks like a regular brick breaker, it will take 3 hits, but the skill aspect comes into play concerning the colour matching. Each hit of a block will change its colour between red, green, and blue (or three other colours, not yet decided, the colours may even be randomised). When the block breaks, all blocks touching it with the same colour will also break, and so will blocks of the same colour touching those. The level designs will aim to allow players to set up big combos if they want, or to simply play it for quick casual fun.

There will be difficulty customisation in the game through the player being able to choose between a few ball speeds (most likely: tactical,  normal, and challenging). However most importantly the player will be able to choose between different paddle shapes which will change the way they play the game. A flat paddle will allow for safe but inaccurate play, a rounded paddle will allow for accurate but more challenging play, and a knitting-needle paddle will be a choice for those who want to laugh at how difficult it is to use.

Knitting-themed features:

  •  Colourful yarn backgrounds
  • Brick breaking ball = ball of yarn
  • Bricks = wool
  • When the bricks are broken, they zip down into the background and leave an imprint of their colour

Player score is counted according to the highest number of blocks of the same colour that are broken. So if a player finishes a level with 5 broken green blocks, 4 broken red blocks, and 12 broken blue blocks, then their score for that level will be 12. Remember the blocks change colour on each hit, so the player needs to tactically change surrounding blocks to the colour that a central block will break on, and then break that central block to match colours. The blocks cycle through a predictable colour cycle so you will need to set up the blocks around a block that you know will break on their same colour.

Points will be useable to acquire different shaped paddles, and the faster and slower ball speeds. The player starts with a flat paddle on normal speed, and will then be able to purchase tactical (cheap)  and challenging (expensive) speed, and round  (cheap) and knitting needle (quite expensive)  paddles. This is so that the player can gain more points faster over time with these upgrades, but will have a little time to get used to each change before they make the next purchase. The upgrade purchases are just there to give the player a sense of progression and something to work towards that actively changes their experience, and so they will not induce a grind (maybe one well-played level will unlock the cheaper upgrades, and the more expensive will take two or three levels).

See below some prototype gameplay with placeholder assets. Currently the game is in the scripting stage before I start designing the levels and making some artwork.

(2 edits)

Hi everybody and thanks for coming to my devlog! 

PrisonBreak is a game set in a world where human's have evolved antisocially, and so to control the chaos the PrisonBreak AI has commandeered all infrastructure to order and engineer society. You are a scout for PrisonBreak. Having just discovered an independent human hideout, you must use your technology-enhanced body to overcome their defense turret.

The game's mechanics consist of running and jumping to avoid the turret's circular and beam attacks. You can choose to use either a lethal or nonlethal weapon to disable the defenses. If the player dies, the turret's engineer will take a moment to repair some damage, but another scout will very quickly jump in for the player to take over. PrisonBreak, after all, has an almost infinite workforce.

Currently the game is in development, I have made animations for scout movement and attacks, and for the turret's attacks (see the screenshots and clips). The next steps in the development process are coding the turret's AI, implementing health and damage systems, and finally game logic and fail/success states.

Let me know what you think of this game so far and any feedback you have on the mechanics!

I made a project page for the game, you can find it here:

The game is now available! It is a basic but complete choose your own adventure. I'm hosting it right now on for a month, and before the month's end I will also host it here.

Let me know what you think 


The story is now completely written and planned.

Tomorrow I can get back into the development and implementation of what I've written. I'm excited to share some of my freaky horror writing! I aim to have a working demo uploaded in the next week or so. After that is uploaded with the completed story script, I can then focus on adding the finishing touches like sound effects and background artwork. 

Right now I'm planning to make the narrative choice mechanic work by having the player walk in the direction of their choice. The world will be extremely low detail and mostly hidden behind the text, but it should give some vague sense of movement so the player has an interesting mechanic to interact with. I will have to test this mechanic before I'm certain however because it could end up getting in the way of the story if it takes too much time or it doesn't look very good. On paper it seems interesting enough!

I've been writing the story over the last few days. It's coming together as a definite horror adventure- hopefully you like gnarly imagery!

It took me a while to find a good story-boarding tool for making mind maps and story flow that suits a choose your own adventure. I've been using and I've been quite happy with it! It just has a simple interface but it's strong enough if you're just writing and organising text to then copy and paste into a game engine.

I can get back to the coding and developing very soon, just need to tie up a few loose ends in the story. Currently it's a bit too linear so it needs to have more branches and interesting alternate paths to take.

Hey all,

I'm in the less creative part of the process, but looking for creative ways to do it.

 I'm writing the code for different 'room' game states as the mechanic to move through the story. At the moment the mechanic is simply pressing 1, 2, etc. on the keyboard to make story choices. This isn't engaging enough however, and I'll be trying out different things over the next few days. I'm planning to make some clickable UI that gives the player feedback (red when mousing over a violent option, some quiet bass drone music when mousing over scary options, etc). 

Let me know if you like the sound of that, or if there are any notable mechanics in other 'choose your own adventure' games that really stood out to you!

(3 edits)

Hi everyone. I've just started using and I wanted to get some feedback and suggestions on a 'choose your own adventure' game I'm making. The game is called Sleeping Stones, and it's about a family that has gone missing from a village over winter. The setting of the game is in a large forest that the villagers have never left, so they don't know if it ever ends. The village is called Traveller's Rest rather ironically, as no travellers have come through since the locals can remember. There are only five houses in the central clearing, and one house isolated in another clearing. This is the house from which the Johnson family goes missing, and you, as the chief's son, are sent to find out what happened.

I am currently scripting Sleeping Stones (which will be a free game), and the story still has some flexibility. So at this point, I'm putting my basic idea out there for some feedback or ideas.

- Do you have any narrative, characters, or mechanics that you have always wanted to see in a 'choose your own adventure' game? So far I am planning to integrate some fun mechanics like text size changes, background sprites/artwork changes, screen shakes, and a few other effects which will deepen the player's immersion during game events. 

- What do you think of the story so far?

- Any suggestions for art in this game? I have some limited pixel art skills, so I've planned to do very basic backgrounds, mostly ambient colours and a few tree roots or dark skies around text to give some atmosphere. I aim to make a few states of art for each story stage, based on the scene 'caused' by the player's choices.

I will be updating this post with screenshots, story snippets, and of course replying to comments.

Thanks a lot for reading, and I hope to see your feedback!

EDIT: I changed the name to Winter Growth because it suits the final story much better. It's now available here: and will be available on too, let me know before I post it here if you would like another feature!

Hi! I'm Max. I've only been developing games for a few months but I heard about and decided to make an account and post my projects. Right now I'm making a text based adventure game about a family going missing from a village over winter. I'm not good at art so hopefully the player has a solid imagination! Does anyone have any story, mechanic, character, or setting ideas they really want to see in a 'choose your own adventure' game?