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A member registered Oct 06, 2015 · View creator page →

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Short and sweet! I like that game a lot!
Love the style and the music.

(1 edit)

I love that style!

Perfect score from me!

Awesome game, and perfect implementation from the vile ingredients you chose!

Awesome game! Zelda is my favorite serie, so this was definitely a style a liked.
And I thought the art style was really cute, even though you designed it to be vile!

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Just noticed that there were still some big bugs in my game. For some reasons, you might be unable to use the stronger attacks for the three characters (Dodge roll, tackle and water bullets respectively).

Also, it seems like you might not have control over the character at the start of a level, but that can be fixed by Restarting the level from the Pause Screen.

I will fix those at some point and put up a new version, but I will wait until the gamejam voting is done.

If anyone played it and was stuck, you can use that trick above to keep playing the game, or if you are just curious to see the rest, you can watch a full playthrough of the game that I put on youtube here:

It came to my attention that there might be some bugs preventing you from finishing the game. Most of them can be fixed by simpling "Restarting" the level from the Pause Menu. Although, you might be unable to use the second stronger attack for the characters (Dodge roll, tackle and water bullets, respectively).

If you were stuck and don't want to replay it, you can watch a full playthrough I did of the game and posted on youtube here: 

Thanks! The funniest one in my opinion is the final boss battle music.
It's so bad! haha

(2 edits)

Hey Rayluaza, sorry you feel that way.

I didn't intend to piss off anyone by doing this. My game was barely a game, because I had pretty much only cutscenes and every thing I had worked on the past few days had to be cut at the last minute because it wasn't functional (the map, the two other characters, the boss, etc), which is why I took an extra day to fix those and put them back in the game.

Really, I just wanted you guys to have a good time with my game, which was much less likely with the first version.

I didn't really think in term of the competition.
It seemed like a friendly gamejam where those kind of things wouldn't matter since we are all trying to make funny/enjoyable games for the others to play.

Hope you'll still consider playing my game.

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Well, it's my first gamejam so I didn't quite know about the rules and it seemed like a friendly gamejam, not a competitive one.
I was told that it was okay to make changes during the week of voting.

I don't really care about the competition to be honest. Even if it would be cool for the allies to stream it, that's not why I made the game.
I just wanted to make an enjoyable game for everyone to play.

The first version of the game was playable, but not really enjoyable.
This version is way better and I only needed one more day to make the changes, which is why I did it.

Feel free to not vote for my game if you feel it's not fair, but I really only wanted you guys to play my game and enjoy it.

It's all just in good fun anyway. L&R

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Hi everyone!
Just dropping by to say that I worked an extra day on my game to fix some major bugs and add various features that I had started but couldn't complete in time for the deadline.

The game has now working enemy AI, two more playable characters, two more gameplay moments, a worldmap (only visited twice, but still...), two more cutscenes and a final boss!

Still pretty far from what I had in mind when I started this game two weeks ago, but at least it's a bit closer to it.

I don't know if many tried my game already, but if you gave it a shot, I think it might be worth it to try the Version 2.0 as well, since it's much much better than version 1.0.

This was a challenging first game for me, but it was fun! I might keep some of those ideas for an actual project later on.

Now that I'm finally done (for now) with this project, I'll be able to go to sleep and then I'll be able to start playing at all of your games tomorrow!

I can't wait to see how you guys implemented all those vile ingredients in your game!

Can only be played with a controller, by the way.

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Thanks! I will definitely polish it up after the deadline is over.
I don't actually know how the "contest" will work, so maybe we have a few weeks to play the games before the games to be streamed will be chosen.
That might leave me a few more days to make more stuff.

I thought I would leave you guys with a few pictures of my project so far.

I do not own most of the art in my game. I can design and code, but I'm a terrible artist. I can make good-ish edits, but that's pretty much it.
I intend to credit everyone in my game, but I don't think I'll have the time to add all of them before the deadline. I'll definitely do it on my final version though.

The story is inspired by the tale of Monkey: The Journey to the West.

As you can see, my main focus was on completing as many ingredients as I could, and I have almost all of them done (the only big one I haven't tackled yet, and I might not have the time for, is the Voice Overs...)

But, this made it so that I didn't put enough time in the rest. For instance, I have 8 differenet Hot Springs cutscenes, but only two enemies (the wolf and the bird) and two levels (the waterfall mountain and the desert). And I haven't even started working on a single boss.

The game story is designed to have something like 8 levels, but I could make it work with only a few more... It's too bad that I couldn't have started earlier... That's pretty much all I could do in two weeks...

I could always complete the game after the gamejam, but it won't be fun, since I won't really have anyone to play it... Especially Kyle or the other allies...

In any case, I guess, I'll do as much as I can until the deadline!
Best luck to you all!

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Hi everyone.
First time in a game jam and I'm not sure how it works.

I've been crunching hours for the past week and my game is coming along well, but I fear that there will still be some important stuff left imcomplete (like all the sfx, voice over, etc) and there are some stuff I would like to improve (more enemy variety, more levels, etc). And I had no time to proofread my stuff (English is not my first language) or even trying to play the game from start to finish, so there are probably tons of bugs that I won't have time to fix...

I basically spent way too much time trying to implement as many vile ingredients as possible in my game (including both Glinny's and Carshaurreur's as a personal challenge), and now I'm stuck with a game that I think is actually good, but that is simply lacking in the some important areas (like, more levels and enemies!).

I still have 1-2 days to try to add as much as I can, but that will be pretty hard.

Unless we are getting another extension (honestly, even just 2-3 days would totally save my project), I might be forced to submit an incomplete game.

I was wondering, do you guys know if we can make modification after we submitted it, or is it locked in as soon as we submit it?

I'm afraid of missing the deadline, but I would like to keep working on it as long as I can so that the ones playing it get the full version.


That's some really good news!
I might be able to complete the game I had in mind instead of rushing it and deliver a lesser version.
Keep the good works guy!

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It's going to be almost impossible for me to finish my project unless we have an extension...
I was super busy during June and was only able to start working on it 3 or 4 days ago...

It's too bad, I think I had a good idea and I managed to incorporate pretty much every single ingredient in a way that made perfect sense with my story and was still enjoyable to play...

I can only hope that Kyle will give us one more week to complete the project...

I know Kyle said that we might get an extension if many people needed it.
I was wondering if anyone else might need one.

Since I work at a school, I've been really busy up until this week.
And I finally started working on the gamejam today, but I feel like I might not have enough time to complete what I had in mind.

An extra week would be really great.

Anyone else in need of an extra week?