Hi everyone!
Just dropping by to say that I worked an extra day on my game to fix some major bugs and add various features that I had started but couldn't complete in time for the deadline.
The game has now working enemy AI, two more playable characters, two more gameplay moments, a worldmap (only visited twice, but still...), two more cutscenes and a final boss!
Still pretty far from what I had in mind when I started this game two weeks ago, but at least it's a bit closer to it.
I don't know if many tried my game already, but if you gave it a shot, I think it might be worth it to try the Version 2.0 as well, since it's much much better than version 1.0.
This was a challenging first game for me, but it was fun! I might keep some of those ideas for an actual project later on.
Now that I'm finally done (for now) with this project, I'll be able to go to sleep and then I'll be able to start playing at all of your games tomorrow!
I can't wait to see how you guys implemented all those vile ingredients in your game!