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A member registered Feb 20, 2020

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also stuck here, did you find a fix

In order to not flood you with requests ill just do ones i can think of off the top of my head

Common Women

Long Curls (Shoulder Length )

Box Braids

Double Buns (not strictly Black hair thing, but i common)

twisted bob

Common Men


Flat Top

Dreads (Shoulder Length and Ear/ Jaw Length)

Killmonger Locs

Commonly Gender Neutral

Medium Curls (jaw length)



I will say though these hairstyles do tend to be more complex than a lo of hairstyles currently in the game, a lot of them are wrapped around each other in a way that i imagine would be hard to model so I (and I'm sure anybody else) wouldn't be upset if they didn't make there way into the game. This is a fairly unique and so far fun game so I'll keep playing either way

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Hope that with any future updates  more hairstyles for black women and men, kind of disappointed to se no curls, but was even more disappointed when i saw no common black people hir, I'd take Killmonger locs over nothin 

Finished 4/20 mode and went to check extras and apparently i only have 90% complete. I've done all 4 of the animitronics deaths plus glazed so not sure what im missing

any idea what that could be

is all of the first arc already in the game? I can't progress Christa's storyline past assaulting her with Ymir. Talked to her in the room but the journal didn't update (and i don't remember what it said) now I've finished every other story in this arc except hers and the instructor's which i can't progress until i complete hers. not sure if I'm just missing something or if my save if bugged.

im not sure if im doing something wrong but going to the Harman system does not start any scenes

great game. Its a really good sandbox porn game though it has no real story or goal which is aa bit of a gripe for me. its not very replay able (since technically your run will never end and theres no real reason to do anything besides talk to people so you can inevitably fuck them. Also with the main reason you come to the game being sex their needs to be a lot more you can do, cause i personally dont want to get off to the same thing over and over again

any eta on next update?

wait actually i think i figured it out. I believe its because i dont have male devouts (which i totally  thought i did but apparently Jereck isnt yet)

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i just got it to happen again

1)yea its just the game, the mouse works but none of my interactions with the game have any effect

2)i did not

3)i took the left path the right sides actually works it seems, and yea it was. 

4)nope i downloaded it

and yea that didnt do anything

My wording wasnt the best, when i say crash i mean the game just completely freezes and doesnt respond to any key, click, etc. And it freezes just as the devout comes in, it doesnt tell you who it is.

Got the springs up and running and decided i wanted to see what the random encounters there were. i rested there once normally and i just left, then a second time and that time someone showed up, but when they did so the game crashed. luckily i had just saved so i opened it back up and did again, and the same outcome happened, a crash

after making it to Larklast i decided to explore the city and accept any quest i could fine. When i finished i left the city and checked my quest list but it didnt have the quests listed. It allows me to complete the quest cause K finished the slitherroot quest and it counted it, and the quest appeared on the complete quest list once i did. It also shows that i toke the quests at the Town Marker but none of them are on my availabile quest list. This wouldnt be an issue if the game had a wiki of some sort, but i cant seem to find one, so that means I have to remember all the quests and figure out how to complete them

I disagree somewhat. I do agree that your movement is a bit restricted in dark fantasy mode and you have to plan it out very carefully but thats the point of dark fantasy. The menu screen does say it will be harder. Its not impossible to get almost all of the content while also making progress, (just get as much content out of one girl then give her to the hoarde) cause I managed to do it the first time (got a bunch of content out heliose, mina, whatever the drunks name is, and whatever the dragons fingerless name is. Probably didn't get all of it but I got a lot) I played without using the walk through. This game is obviously not meant to be the normal game where your using it only to get off to. I actually play it like it'd a normal game if I don't feel like jerking off to it, and thats exactly why. The difficulty of the game makes it more gamelike, rather than an interactive porn video. Plus the fact that some stuff you will miss out on means you can play the game multiple times without getting bored and ultimately means you play for longer. If you are just looking for a I wanna fuck every moving thing in existence as a dragon kind of game, more power to you, thats why power fantasy mode exists, but this game has its own charm. It allows you to play it as if it was a normal visual novel, and also play it if you need some fat material. 

Also I agree, heliose is best waifu

Maybe. As I said I can never remember

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Ok so I've played most of the game and I've explored a lot of the route (though I haven't finished a single playthrough cause I decided to switch up). A tip from me for anybody just starting. Play a submissive run first. I tried multiple dom runs but died far to many times. In submissive runs its not easy to die since you get a lot of pills. The only choice you really wanna make is who you wanna serve. But dominant runs are far more difficult. When I first did dom playthroughs, I tried to maintain relationships with gangs (the nekos being the only ones I could really interact with) as well as position. But as you can imagine you aren't getting paid many pills and since you are trying to maintain position you have to pay pills. Throughout the game you gotta choose when to submit even if you have the position to resist. Its basically just playing the game on hard mode, which i find far more fun, but as I said, play submissive first it gives you a chance to check out your options without risk of dying

Haven't played in quite a few updates, have more dom scenes been added?

So which of the current consort have the most content available rn. I know Heloise is pretty up there,  second might be darja or the merchant who's name i can literally never remembe

How much more content do you expect to make? I see no way for the story to advance past part 5, and I can see ways for you to wrap up everything in part 4, so I'm just curious

Anybody else not getting the ravager icon or loading screen when they download the app on mobile. Instead you just get them renpy one and loading screen

You have to kill to get stronger because you eat them. Thats why the sacrifice the kobolds make for you is just a bunch of food. Secondly the whole strength from ejaculation thing makes little sense to me. I mean maybe if they wanted to make jokes and jerking off was a part of the game then i could see it but not from sex. Maybe your thighs would become stronger from thrusting but i doubt it. Im not saying i wouldnt like to see this in the game tho it would be kinda cool but it doesnt make much sense and i feel like you have to sacrifice something and doing this would remove that

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A lot of the points your bring up I dont agree with. The sexual scenes aren't bad. I wont say they are the best they can be but they are still really good seeing how many there are. And the game wasnt meant to be 'difficult' As 4mw said it's much more on the story based side and is why they didn't add a combat system. Act 4 is not finished the entire map will be open soon (I believe) besides the two areas you conquered. The reason you dont have to conquer the wildlands or swamp when you have the hords that reside there are because nothing is there to stop you. If you go to the fishing village and the people that control the village are controlled by you, who are you going to fight. Same with the wildlands. (Although I could see you fighting the centaurs but i believe there is a reason why you dont i just cant remember) act 1 and 2 are so short is because in act 1 it's the prologue if your prologue is longer than the actual game than wtf. That's why there isn't much content everything leads to the same area. Act 2 has a bit less content than 1 but that's because they had to end it once you found a lair so you can age up otherwise you would be to young for when you start to take over the city. Chapter 3 Has a lot of content in my opinion and if you know how to use your hand you can get a lot of it before the timer ends makes it one just enough content for it to be entertaining with just enough that you missed for you to want to play again. And as I said earlier 4 isn't finished and has a lot of content anyway.  If you dont think there is much content just check the guide, I'll assure you there's a lot since most of the stuff in there is only the smut scenes, add the non sexual scenes and you get as much content as a lot of finished visual novels. Also lots of the choices are somewhat major. The dispair route with Maeyls gives you completely different content. If you dont impregnate that present you never see her again, but if you do and have treasure she will even stay with you.

The point about not being able to explore I kinda agree with but I think it's morof the fact that there wouldn't be much content and it would be hard to make. People would be horrified if they heard a dragon was rampaging so they would try there best to hide, and even if that wasnt the cause. They have to make consort scenes, conquer scenes and a bunch more. There's no way they would be able to keep the same scenes from before besides maybe the witch scene or something. Like take the farm scene. There's no way in hell these people wouldn't have ran off with there cattle. They have no protection and a dragon is rampaging if they stay they are fucking stupid

You are judging the game really harshly and the points aren't very correct. If you expected to get days worth of content in an unfinished smut visual novel chances are you wont find it. I'm not saying the game is perfect far from it in my opinion, but its already a 4 to 4.5 out of 5 when you talk about it like a 3 or 3.5. 

that's true

Yea possibly, all though it speaks more about races, not just the fact that she is off the moon.

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I suggest mutations (which would probably just be perks). Things that make your character different from other humans. Like double dicks which allows you to double penetrate. But they would also have negative effects like increasing sensitivity, or decreasing a stat. 

Also maybe make it so that as long as the accessories dont go in the same place, you can use like 2 or 3. The accessories aren't that major, and if you make it so that they dont stack, it wouldnt be over powered. Or maybe make it so that you can only do it on hard mode, or easy mode

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I'm pretty sure the lore is that Dragon and elf can not be together or they create the Naga, pretty sure any offspring with the two would still be a naga. Also I dont think any boosts would be present from putting your offspring in lead of the hoard. I cant see much sense from that. It's the same as having any of the other characters. They might be more willing to fight for them, but they are already incredibly caring for you and would do anything for you do why would it be different for the child. And yes any kobold made by the current dragon would more or less be exactly the same probably

Adeline I believe is end goal. Anything sexual you can do with her is a dream or fantasy. Theirs no way for them to add more unless they added them in the beginning and their must be a reason they didnt. And for the more mina scenes, I doubt they will do that since some characters dont even have sex scenes and mina has 2 plus any if you choose her as consort. Most of the characters have 2, unless they are heavy lore characters such as the inquizitrix. Mina has very little contribution to lore at the moment, besides her relations with the mercs but I doubt that counts

I know I'm replying to this late, but just gonna say, would you rather have the same art style and have to wait for whoever draws in that style to draw every single scene, or have multiple different art styles because their is also a bunch of different artist (I believe) but get updates more frequently. Plus its impossible to please everybody with consistency. Not everybody likes realistic, not everybody likes anime. Having multiple different artist and art styles has way more benefits than issues

Alright!!! Enjoy your break you definetly deserve it.

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So will it be major updates over a span of time, or a more small updates in that same span of time... does that make sense?

Is there actually a way to get the gold during the inquizitrix hiest? In the docs it says you can but it doesn't say how

update to the best game finally!!! Now just to figure out what data I should clear so I can download it xD

Ok so I wasn't to far off. Only by 4 days

How much progress has been made on the game?

I guessed that the update would be out 50 days after the last update, but it's not out, so was my question at least close?

or possibly your phone or tablet doesn't have enough space. It may seem like you have more, but you need a bit more then how many mb the game actually takes up

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It's a pretty great game, but I've got a few issues, sorry if I sound harsh. 1. I get pulled out of the game sometimes by the mistakes in wording, not blaming you, learning more than one language is difficult (and so is just speaking it), but if you know anyone who speaks english well or is native to somewhere english is spoken, ask them to proofread. It would improve the game so much. 

Secondly, it seems as you have to make a choice. Either be incredibly subby and get most of the sexual scenes, or go the dominant  way and get a lot less. So I suggest either adding more scenes for dominant currently (like when the Snake girl askes you to massage her feet, if your stats allow it, you can make her massage/and lick yours. Or (I assume this is what you plan on doing but Ima say it anyway) add more scenes in the future. So in the beginning you get all the sub sex scenes and in the end you get the dom. Otherwise, the high position state really fucks with the lewd part of this game and that's lame

Third (not an issue just something I'm confused about) . Their seems to be multiple different art styles in this, so are their multiple artists working on this? Or is some of it narrowed art. It was just kinda confusing when I see this character like this, then she moves and she just looks a bit different. All of the art is good and for sure better than what I can do, but it's not consistent  which kinda confuses me.

Fourth, their seems to be a bug loading or presenting an image. You can skip through the scene, I'm pretty sure it's a shower scene, but I'd like to see what's happening.

Besides that I love the game. I love the plot. And I love the characters

I'm thinking after 50 days. I cant help but try to think its scheduled, but not sure