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A member registered May 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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As Long As It's Not Illegal: Winter's Last will be available for purchase only on itchio for the remainder of the Winter Sale, afterwards it will become exclusive to those on the ''Senior Elite'' tier on Patreon

Get you hands on the limited time Winter DLC while it lasts!

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🚫Play it on 🚭Itchio to see what happens next in As Long As It's Not Illegal!

How Many ACTS Will There Be?

There will be 3 ACTS in total

When Will The 3rd ACT Release?

The 3rd and final act is set to release in Summer of 2023

Will There Be Any DLC?

Yes, the first is set to release between the 2nd and 3rd ACTS ( in late spring/early summer) on Patreon.

There are many DLCs planned for the future as well.

Where Can I Follow You For Updates?

Mooncaustics has a Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Tiktok, Reddit, Discord, and EVEN a Pinterest (the list just keeps going)

I'm most active on Twitter with regular post on my current projects and their progression. 

All major updates, such as release days will be posted here on itchio

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Thank you for the kind words! This really made my day! 

To answer your question, the full story will be 3 ACTS long. Act II & ACT III are both set for this Spring. Winter will be used to release the first DLC for Patrons who already played the early access version of "As Long As It's Not Illegal" (My collaborative project "Friend Zone" is also set for a Winter episode.)

Bandit and Arcade are two of my favorite designs out of the Clique members, I'm glad you like them. They were also the first "extras" I designed.

 Ace was such a blast to write but also very challenging as his conversations are VERY thought out and meticulous. Personally, I think his route has the most intrigue, but I won't say too much, don't wanna give it away lol🕷

The gaps between the ACTS will be no more than two months apart, I hope this answers your question😁

Thank you for being such an amazing supporter, I love making projects and I'm glad you enjoy playing them. This is only the beginning!😁

I'm glad you enjoy my MC appearances, I agree that it adds to the quality of the story when you can identify with the character you play as.

Thank you for saying this, It made me so happy to hear😄

My projects will always have this representation as it make me happy to see as well!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!😁

Friend Zone is a visual novel series that releases bi-monthly, if you enjoyed this one,  there are 4 other episodes so far you could play!

Thanks! I'm the artist of both Friend Zone and this game, but unlike Friend Zone, I'm also  the writer as this project was exclusively created by me.

I'd love to know your thoughts on the story as well once you play it.💜

Do you have a favorite character?

What do you think of the game?

What did you eat for lunch yesterday? 

Share your thoughts!

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The web version has a few known performance issues,  downloading the game is recommended. 

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If you have any performance issues with the game, downloading it instead is recommended. 

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Thank you for playing our game, I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. As for the full release, the reason this game is feeling incomplete is because this is actually the first installment in a series of episodic games. Each episode will be more or less the length of this one with improvements to play experience and story development. We have already released the second episode "Friend Zone: Pledge", you can play it here: Friend Zone 2: Pledge!

As the artist of the game I'm glad to hear you like the designs, MC is a favorite of mine (she even has her own clothes and hair customizations now!) I personally really enjoyed creating the designs of Roman and Remmy💘 💜

The coder @beastcarving has stated that as the story develops, so does will importance of the choices.

Thank you for following the Friend Zone series and we assure you the game is receiving regular installments, our third release is set for June, we hope to see you there!

Just a few more hours now😉💕

That's a great question, I'm glad you asked!

We plan to release the next installment of the series towards the end of February.

The goal is to add a new installment every month and a half.

We hope you enjoy following the story as it develops, me and Beastcarving will be working hard to bring you more games to enjoy!💕

It's Valuable for us to know how the first installment of this series is being received.

Any feedback is helpful, tell us what you liked or didn't like. This will help us know what steps to make going forward.💖

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I do agree with you on this. I had a bit of trouble reading the font myself during testing. I'll let Beastcarving know, they were in charge of UI and they may decide to offer an alternate font option or switch to a simpler font altogether. We'll be making the update soon.

Thank you for informing us of this issue!

Thank you for letting us know, we also noticed this upon creating the web browser version of the game.

Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do as the downloaded version of the game doesn't have this issue so the coder is unsure how to fix it.

We believe that it's some form of buffering as it only occurs when the game first loads certain assets. If we do however discover that this is something we can repair we will definitely patch this.

Thanks again!

Drop Feedback! We'd love to hear from you💕

Ask your questions here! To Me, "MoonCaustics" or "Beastcarving" concerning the Friend Zone Series and expect one of us to provide you with the answers you desire within the first 24💕

Let us know if you have any trouble playing the game and we'll try our best to help you!

Aww~😊 you flatterer. After reading your message, I actually already started work on some of your suggestions, making the words more visible, and I got it...


The words are now all outlined in a thin border of dark grey and it makes things much easier to read, I'll share a screenshot of it in my next dev log.

And thank YOU for being so honest with your experience of the demo, it really helps with the game. I want the game to be as pleasant as can be (minus the trigger warnings lol) and I sincerely value hearing your thoughts on it.

This honestly made me so happy today so have this virtual hug as thanks🤗💕

- 🍒

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Oh haha! I love this! Okay...

Haha yes, I'm always trying to think of the wackiest expressions for them I'm glad you like them.

An LSD trip while parkouring over graphite walls???😂 lol I totally see it, love the way you described that. I went all the way to the moon with the color theme.🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚫⚪

Glad you like MCs look, she gets a bunch of outfits in the full game, they all do. You're gonna love their other looks too.

💰👑Leo's a whole ass vibe, I'm glad you like him. He's a breeze to write, I enjoy his chill scenes versus those other crazies. (Zayn)


Alright, a critique essay, let me get ready🧐 (p.s. I appreciate critiques too, no worries)

I know the colors can be a bit overwhelming in some areas of the story, but it won't always be so loud in other areas of the game so I hope it's not TOO disorienting.

I tend to over-design at times, the earlier design of the texts boxes where also said to be difficult to read against, the redesign proved to be much better but it still becomes difficult to balance as many colors as the game has without things becoming too complex or blending with similar shades. Like MC in the purple-ish bus. 💜

The demo is short, but as the story is laid out, if I tried to extend it to another good resting point, I felt the demo would've been too long cause a lot takes place after the scenes following the demo. Alternatively, I also could've cut it off on a very cliffhanger part to keep it at a decent length but without finding a good stopping point. I may release an extended demo closer to the full release but I'm not fully decided on that just yet.

some color tuning is definitely in order for the textboxes, thank you for your suggestion. I was considering making it so each character has a different color text as well that makes the words easier to read on their respective textboxes, I'll also experiment with neutral colors as you suggested.

There's redundant & misplaced narration you say,🤔 I'll definitely be going back into the story with that in mind, I'll do my best to improve in that, thank you. This was actually very valuable input and not at all useless, I know the story can get pretty confusing with the neutral and mc narrators and was actually recently fixed in the project so that now the perspective and narrator shift to whoever's in an active scene. I'm trying to get rid of the neutral narrator entirely to eliminate this confusion. So don't worry, I felt that too and I'm working on fixing it now.

You like Ace, do you🕷❤ He's my favorite too😊 His think text is dark red, and when a character is thinking I cut the opacity down to 50% I can see how that would be hard to read especially for less saturated characters like Ace, this is one of the color tuning issues I'll definitely get around to correcting. No one likes to be too aware of the text when reading visual novels but that tends to happen in situations like that so it will be fixed.

extras have a much easier time having their text readable because of how simple their textbox is, I've been brainstorming on ways to fix this for the main characters without having to compromise the design of their text boxes. this will be better in the full game, I assure you. There are a lot of characters to fine-tune on that front.

The choices screen cutting in so abruptly is also something I want to fix, (I've been trying to figure out how. lol 😅) don't worry, that'll be fixed too.

Thank you for that thorough review, I mean it. I like how transparent you were with sharing your experience with me and it gave me a lot to think about.😊 There's always room for improvement.


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No need to apologize, I love getting all types of feedback.😊 I'm glad you like the look of the page, I'm very proud of the overall design & style of the game so it's really nice to hear you say that (Took a lot of trial and error to get it to this point😅)

I'm glad you like my writing style too, that's also how the game is going to read so it's good that you already enjoy the way I write, haha!

I can't wait to hear what you think of the demo,  I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts💜


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❌As Long As it's NOT ILLEGAL❌ Highschool Dating Sim

Hey Everyone! This is my first project and I would like those who play the demo, after viewing this post, to answer these questions to help me out with how the demo is being received:

S T O R Y:

  • Are the characters likable to you, if yes, which characters caught your eye and why?
  • Is it clear what events took place in the demo? Do you know what is going on?
  • If you had to guess, what would you assume will take place in the story following the demo?
  • Do any parts seem unclear to you?


  • Is the interface easy to navigate? Did you find yourself not knowing how to exit from a menu or finding your save and load slots?
  • Do you feel as if there should be a tutorial present or a controls screen to reference?

A P P E A L:

  • I plan to make an official poll in the future but as of now, is there a boy you favor above the others based on appearance alone? Since the demo doesn't showcase them all equally I want this to be determined of visuals alone.

Any additional feedback you'd like to provide is welcome as well, anything you have to say on the subject is encouraged!
Thank you for your time!

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It's Senior Year at Suncity High, and you're only a weekend away from graduation...

On Friday night you and the other Senior elites come up with a plan to throw a party on the enemy campus, the whole Senior class follows your influence.

The only problem is the rival school is across the border, down into the lawless land of the Undercity and it's Illegal for these two cities to mingle.

But is it illegal if... you're never caught?

The game is only a few missing assets away from completion, please rate the game, drop a comment

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tell all your Dating Sim-loving friends about it.

Play it here, The Demo is Freeeee!

I'm currently polishing the interface, like this here...

I like the design, that's complete, but I've been working on adding a feature that lets you name your saves so that they are not just screenshots. But with the current look of the save and also load screen, I not sure where the text would go that isn't awkward or hard to read.

I was told that it was fine and that they simply just remembered what screenshot was the latest and on what slot they put it, so it may stay the same if people seem to be fine with it.

If you read the Devlog on my page, you know that the primary objective (That missing 20%) is majority due to the lack of special pictures. Moments where I want fully illustrated imagery instead of the regular look of the game.

Development is going smoothly and the release date will be most definitely than met.

If you like to help, you can do so by simply playing the demo and telling me what you think in the discussion on the game's page.

Drop me a three-paragraph comment if you like, I'll read it, I promise.

Tell me what I can improve on, I welcome critiques as well, you can never stop learning. 

Drop a Five-star rating so my game can reach more eyes
And most importantly...
Tell me Ace is your favorate Character, he's mine too.
You don't have to do that
Unless it's true, in that case, go right ahead

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Behold! A brand new visual novel to feast your eyes upon!

There's a fixed release date for the full game, but before we get there, tell me what you think of the demo. Drop a comment or two, I love those things! -🍒

When a party in enemy territory turns into a full-out war, will you and your friends make it back home in time for graduation?

Who's idea was this again?

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Aw man, this VN's is one of my top five, I played it at least 4 times back when it was released.

Honestly, I like all of S-Morishita's projects. I read her webcomics too.

Her style is just so cute. She's great at writing characters.

On A troll's fairy tail my favorite character besides MC was Damine(that's his name if I'm remembering🤔), the blue-haired one. I love me an attitude having LI.

I hope you plan on making another VN in the future, the first two were so fun😊

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Wow! Thank you for the feedback, lol

I seen your fan art, it was amazing! I'll definitely share it on my page.😊

Kai and Emmett didn't get much time in the demo as the other love interests so I'm glad you still noticed and even FAVOR them.

For all those interested in more content involving the game, as this good fan, consider following my socials as well!

Yes, Kai's a real cutie. But I'm not sure he'd want to be PUNCHED about it, lol. 😭

He'd probably try to laugh it off unless you end up breaking his nose. If that happens I suggest running🤷🏾‍♀️


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Aw, thank you for your kind words, sweet fan!💖

Yes, I thought about this question many times throughout the development of this game, and truthfully, while I considered making it free, I wouldn't want to sell the project short.

The finished game will be monetized and it will cost $20, but don't worry, It'll be worth every penny.😊 It's a full-featured game and I put years of love and dedication into it.

Purchasing the full game will help me fund future projects and make them even better than the first, so I hope to see you there on the game's full release.

As for if I ever plan on making any free-to-play games, I do! But they will be much shorter projects than this current one, I also have a couple of side stories connected to this story that I haven't decided on how they'll be released as I'm still focused on the main game.

I hope this answered your question, if you have any others,  feel free to let me know!


OMGGGG, this comment made my day!🤩 Thank you for the feedback!😭

Yes, we love a good dumbass, I have the most fun writing for Zayn. Ace is definitely the most interesting tho👀

Thanks again for the comment, the world could use more fans like you!

I look forward to seeing how you'll like the full game too, I've been at it for Y E A R S✌🏾


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The art is always amazing in Angela He games.

The movement and SFX really complete the atmosphere!


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You can use this area to comment on the characters and story. Critiques are welcome as well, as long as your respectful.

I'm always looking to improve as an artist and writer and coder.

This area is for technical difficulties and bug reports, things like that.

I'll try to help you out the best I can if I can.

Ask me stuff about the game or me as a developer.

If the question is unrelated to those things feel free to ask me on my blog over on Tumblr.