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Mega Blue Ball

A member registered May 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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No mobile version, sadly =(

No, sadly =(

I'll complete it this year! And adding all of the missing features and polish.

It would be super fun, but the game was not planned or designed with that type of feature in mind, so unfortunately no dice =(

It's sad news, but there won't be more support for mac, web and mobile, sorry


Hello there Maya! haha

1. Not too sure about this one, but I'll consider it when I'm almost finished with the game and after I implement the systems with bigger priority. If it's something that can be easily implemented then I'd do it.

2. They are not. This here free version is quite outdated by this point, so you'd either have to wait for when I do a full release of the game here (very early next year hopefully!), or get on the closed beta on my patreon page where you can get the most recent version with all the  new content (it's a lot of new stuff!).

3.  Not really. Well some of the new scenes in the recent versions does feature DP or a group, but those technically are not the same thing. Truth is, I didn't design the underlying systems to feature these duo scenes from the get-go. The lizardmen were just a test to see how difficult those would be to implement, and I had to do a lot of hardcoding to get them to work, so I decided to not do more of them. I'll leave this concept for my future next project where I'll design that game from the ground up with duo scenes in mind.

Futa fans will be very pleased tough!

I'm happy to hear that my game pleases you so much!
Hmmm I'll consider that suggestion, seeing as I'm going to touch on the whole ero mechanic system anyways.

Oh right, those new areas and bosses exist only in the up-to-date version released on my patreon.
This here free version is a very outdated one.
When I finish the development of the game (getting close to it!) then I'll release the full game here as well, but for now I'm doing sort of a closed-beta, releasing new updates exclusively on my patreon page.

Yes there are 2 more bosses for you to find: the swamp slime queen, and the blue vixen in the high-tech area.

That is a dead end currently. I will be updating that part soon.

I'm glad that you liked the option to turn off fetishes!
Now regarding vore, trust me, the majority of my fan-base is of vore fans, so you're definitely not alone.

Ah my bad. I've indeed implemented reconfigurable controls for the debug keys, but only on the most recent versions on patreon.
This free version here on itch is an outdated version where the debug controls are unfortunately fixed like that.

No special reason. It's just a mix of oversight, mixed with a subjective "feeling" where I think some scenes work best without internal views.
Ehh maybe when I get to the polishing phase of development I'll go back add one, but who knows lol

That was a bug on the initial release of version 0.6
Since then I've already fixed that bug (and a few others) and released a new 0.6 bugfixed version, so you're probably using the outdated version.

Looking at my personal dev notes, I actually have a rough concept for one such scene... I guess I just never had the chance to implement it. I wonder if I'll still be able to make it before the final game's release.

Understandable. Given the wide range of fetishes contained in my games, it is bound to happen that a certain update will please some, but not others.

True. You can reconfigure those at will tough, on the options menu, under control configuration.

It's inside a hidden room, located around dead-center in the middle of the floors. You can identify it because you've probably used the skill to slide down underneath it, as there is a long 1-space-tall tunnel under it. There are 2 ways to enter it, either from above or by pushing a box to the right and sliding inside.

No mobile version for MKM, even after 1.0... =-(

At the end of July.

Thanks for the kind words!

Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'll address each of your points in order:
1) I can see where you're coming from, but unfortunately I can say right now that most enemies will not be getting additional scenes. While indeed most of them can boil down to "getting dicked" as you said it, truth is that for most people that is honestly good enough. Besides, it would be an herculean effort to have not only more than just 1 scene for all enemies, but also coming up with totally unique scenarios for each of them. That said, this is something that I'll definitely keep in mind for my future next project.
2) Agreed, some of the later bosses become too much of a "bullet sponge" as they say, with too much health. This is something that I'm aware of and when I do the final balancing pass of the game I will tackle and resolve this issue, either with more easily accessible upgrades for Maya or with better balance of the boss' parameters.
3) Yeah this ties up with the above point: since the game is still in an alpha state of development, I simply didn't give much care at all to enemy/boss balancing, which is something that I have plans to do in a near future once I'm closer to completing the development of the game.

Yes, I have plans to build proper support for controllers, but it is low on the priority list so it will only come later, when I'm close to finishing the final 1.0 version of the game.

Hi, thank you for taking an interest in my game!
Unfortunately, there will be no Android version of MKM.
I will consider support for other OS when I begin new projects in the future, but for this current one, there will be no support.

Thank you for your feedback! Those bugs are fixed in the most recent versions. As for the bosses, indeed they require some fine tuning to account for different attack levels. I have planned a polishing/balancing development phase sometime in the future, to address those issues.

You enter it via a small corridor, located on the bottom-left of the gallery stage.

Inside the gallery stage? Maya has to be inside the physical location of the arena. When you enter the gallery stage, go to the left wall and there's a tunnel leading into the arena there.
Once Maya is inside and you open the menu, the Arena option should appear.

You have to defeat the witch boss. She's located in the cavern areas.

Thank you. Yes more futa content is being developed.

Hi! I'm glad that you've enjoyed the game. Regarding the bugs, I appreciate the report and those are already fixed in more recent versions.
Regarding the versions, currently the game is under active development so there's no real "full" version yet.
The difference is that here on itch there is an outdated free version, and by supporting me on patreon for at least $2 you get access to the current more updated version that I keep releasing as a go along the development.
The main difference thus is that the newer versions have new stages, enemies and therefore new erotic scenes for each of those, but in terms of overall gameplay it is more or less the same.

You need to have the "crimsom scepter", which is a teleporter item. Once you have it, open the pause menu and select the new option there called "Teleportation". Now select the save point you want to go to.
If you don't have the scepter yet, hit the debug key F10 to be teleported to the beach boss, who guards that item.

1) Also in sewers, you have to setup an specific combination between the states of the 2 levers there. The right combination will open that gate.
2) Nope that is a bug! Thank you very much for the report, I'll fix it right away.

In the current demo there is no way to open that door. In later versions I will add a secret room there with a way to open it.

Some particular animations and scenes might depict pregnancy, but  outside of that there will be no dedicated system at all.

1) Debug/cheats are a possibility for the finished game, but it would reserved to some kind of secret unlock or cheat codes.
2) No one else had reported this kind of bug you're the first one, so I'm assuming that this is being caused by some weird combination of my game versus your system.

If you could please detail to me your system specs (OS, 64-bit system, memory size, etc) and which version/download are you using and I might be able to track down what could be causing this.

Hi. Sadly I'm unable to help you, seeing as the game does not support Android systems.

Hello, I do not understand your question.

Yes I will release the final version 1.0 of the game in this year of 2023, but there is no specific date yet. It's just sometime this year.
There will probably be a cheap price on the full version.

You can download it on mobile but it wont run at all since it is  an incompatible code.
At the moment no other builds of the game are in the plans, besides windows.
I may consider looking into an Android build when I get closer to releasing the final version of the game, but even that is a big maybe.