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Melon Gaming

A member registered Sep 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi, h1G_hadezbladez, thank you for your response.

We have stated our objections above, please refer to it to have a better idea in regards to our competition.

Thank you.

Hi, ariefitch, thank you for your feedback.

Please refer to our statements and clarifications above to get a clear picture about our competition. We do not intend to “Rape” any individual through this competition. Our main intention in creating this competition  is to introduce our game engine to developers that might find it as a solution to make HTML5 games a lot easier and faster.

Our game engine is also open source, which means is completely free to use, and we are not making any profit off of it through this competition. Plus, as mentioned our statement above, every participant will get an equal opportunity to earn profit and long-term revenue from their games.   We do not mean any harm to any party involved in this competition.

Thank you.  

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Hi, DireBoarGames, thank you for your feedback and critical observation on our rules.

We would like to clarify a few things regarding your comments, since there seems to be some misunderstandings:

1. We want to make it perfectly clear that our main intention in making this game development competition is to provide a platform for game developers around the world to unleash their creativity and showcase their creations, while also introducing our game engine, MelonJS, to the public.

Please note that our company’s main mission is to help game developers to create games faster and easier in the HTML5 platform, which is why we created MelonJS as the solution. We do not have any malicious intent, since by joining the competition, participants will get the chance to learn and be introduced to a new game engine, while also getting the chance to win a prize and long-term revenue.  


2.  It is NEVER our intention to reap unjust profits from the participants or take advantage of them, as we will NOT be publishing ALL games that are submitted to us.

We will only be publishing selected games that we have filtered and we think are qualified to be published. And—referring to the “long-term revenue” we stated in point 1—if your game is qualified to be published, we will share 50% of total revenue from the game to the creator. (The agreement regarding the revenue sharing is stated in the registration form  here )


3. By the end of the judging process, if your game is not chosen to be published, all the rights to your games will be given back to you.

So, based on our clarification above, every participant will get the chance to earn profit and long-term revenue from their games if their games are qualified to be published by us, and, that being said, we will not be taking any profit from the games that are not qualified to be published.

Thank you for your attention, and have a nice day.

Attention everyone! 

If you are interested in joining our GameDev Contest, please note that our Game Jam page on this site is only used as one of our promotional tools, and not for official registration.

Therefore, in order to be officially registered to our competition, we would like you to please register yourself in our official website . 

If you have already registered on this page, and not on our website, please re-register, as your registration on the Game Jam page will not be counted.

Thank you for your attention, and good luck!

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Hey everyone, we are Melon Gaming !

We are a game development company that aims to help anyone to easily and quickly develop games for the HTML5 platform. We offer our very own open source, HTML5-based game engine, called MelonJS that  is perfect for beginners in game development, as it is lightweight and compatible with a lot of third-party tools. We also provide training and services for you who are new to game development.

Nice to meet you all! :)

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Attention all game developers! Come and join Melon Gaming GameDev Contest!

If you think you’ve got what it takes to develop a game, then this is the competition for you.  Showcase your best work by making your own game using MelonJS—a HTML5-based game engine created by Melon Gaming Ltd.

Register yourself or your team now at and submit your game before January 31st, 2019.

Be sure to make your game stand out. Good luck! :)

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Good news! The submission date for Melon Gaming GameDev Contest has been extended!
Take notes: the last submission date has been moved to *January 31st, 2019*!  Now, you and your team can take your time to perfect and polish your game.
And, for those of you who are not registered yet, now is the time to do so! Register now at as you still have more than enough time to make your best creation and win a total of $15.500 in prize money.
Good Luck!

Hello Sorabokki, we're sorry for this ambiguous deadline.

the correct deadline is 15th September 2018 - 18th December 2018, however, we have extended this contest to due date 31st January 2019.

have you registered yourself?

hello Andre, you can download MelonJS by visiting or all the tutorials are there. hope it help ;) if you have any further questions you can email me at

For discussion about the melonjs game Melonjs