That is very odd! I’m pretty sure the max delay I set was 10 seconds. This is my first Unreal project with C++, I decided to move away from unity so this is 100% a bunch of bugs and noobie mistakes lmao. Thank you for the feedback, gonna keep all this in mind for my next UE5 project.
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Apologies for the late submission, when I woke up I realized that my previous submission had no file attached at all, turns out the upload failed because it was larger than 1GB and I didn't realize. I added the windows build through a dropbox link after I came back from work, hopefully the 3 days of development aren't a waste cause of my mistake.
My friend and I participated in our first ever game jam, we decided to try one out to gain more experience especially with a small deadline. A lot of rushing and obstacles but we made it in time. For Week 47 of the Weekly Game Jam, with the theme being ‘Thief!’, we ended up making Profit Square. We plan on participating in another game jam in the future. We’re hoping for some feedback so we can improve even further.