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A member registered 30 days ago

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Great short and sweet game :)

Though there are two things that I would add, that also others pointed out- music/sfx and more attacks/moves. There also could be an ending screen that would emphasize beating all four levels.

Other than that I really enjoyed playing this game :D

We tried our best!

Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit)

Feeling like a hero though being a villain :D

Thanks for checking us out :)

You found it :0.  Well the white cells aren't really that smart so I guess it works on them all too well.

Thanks for playing! :)

 I'm glad you liked it :)

Yeah that was the original idea, but because of the time, we had to cut corners and didn't add or fix everything that we wanted  :(

But well, that's the nature of game jams.

Fun concept, but sadly the timer didn't scale up (ya get it? ;)). But in all seriousness timer wasn't working properly and did not add time when placing correct weight on the platforms :(

Art and graphic style are great. Also I like the concept of the game, though using the scrolling wheel sometimes gets tiring. There were some issues with level desing where i got softlocked and couldn't get out, but overall nice game :)

Really fun game concept. I understand that the time was the limiting factor, but more attack patterns and map layouts would make this game much much better. Despite this I had great time playing this game :)

(love the parry mechanic <3)

Great game :] Level 3 was tougher than the others but in a good way. The only bad thing about this game was that it ended

Great game :] Level 3 was tougher than the others but in a good way. The only  bad thing about this game was that it ended