Really enjoyed the demo! Great work - excited to see how it evolves!
- Music was fantastic, and fit the theme perfectly (I think saw a twitter post saying you did the music yourself?)
- Mechanics - Really fun mechanics. I really liked the pipes especially. Very clever design how you have to use the pipes multiple times back and forth in some cases.
- Puzzly feel - It felt like it there was more of a puzzle aspect to the levels that you might not see in other platformers. Having to plan ahead to figure out the order to do things in was fun.
- Art style - I love the minimalistic style. It all feels very consistent too.
Potential Improvements:
- Spacebar for jump :) My keyboard doesn't have dedicated arrow keys, and WASD+C was kinda awkward
- This might just be personal preference, but the controls felt very "slidy" to me. I think I would prefer it without the momentum which keeps the character moving forward after lifting off of a key. To me, it makes it hard to land precise jumps etc.
- I agree with the other comment about possibly showing more blue blocks at once. Some levels did just become trial and error until I memorize the location of each block.