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A member registered May 20, 2015 · View creator page →

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Looks like your best thing yet


You should rename it to Basic C# scripts. I thought it was going to be BASIC scripts from the name like "Which version? Blitz Basic, Dark Basic, Freebasic?"

I feel like most of these games don't translate well to 3D but I still like that you do it anyway, lol. 

I had the C64 version, that tune is stuck in my head forever

Needs the music bro, I'm about to figure out the tracker in Pico and do it for ya

Damn, I'm real excited for this game now

Do you still use GLBasic for anything?


Dude, I was just thinking about this game like 5 minutes ago. I've had it since you released it back in the day but I couldn't remember the name, lol

I think you're on the right path, looks awesome!

Yep, it's all just one big Truman show.

Weird, I heard Axel F at work today, then come home and see this :D haha

I couldn't get the game to run. So I installed JRE and tried loading it from the CLI and got an error, but ultimately I move the desktop-1.0.jar to the main folder and double clicked it and the game runs. But I can't start it from the EXE.

PS C:\moonbase-win\game> java -jar -d64 desktop-1.0.jar 

MewnBase v1.0 | OS: Windows 11

MewnBase launch args:

[MewnBase] MoonBase.coreFolder = data/

com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Can't find the data folder here:data/

        at com.cairn4.moonbase.MoonBase.create(

        at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Window.initializeListener(

        at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Window.update(

        at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.loop(

        at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.<init>(

        at com.cairn4.moonbase.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

        at com.cairn4.moonbase.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(

I made two trashman games that I never finished, one 2D and a 3D one that I lost the source too. That's where I come from. You sort of did what I was trying to achieve in making the streets feel alive and I love it.

Glad you're still working on it! I think this has a lot more potential to be a killer game, the engine and graphics are so cool I want more out of this world. Like maybe another game with the same style or something, thinking out loud.

No stomp? Really cool but no stomp?

Give it a fucking icon

This is a great start! Keep going!

(3 edits)

Crashes for me in Vice on the Retropie   :[ Right after the logo like you. I switched to the C128 emulator and it works great now for whatever that's worth :]

Coolest thing I've seen in a while.

I'm Lucky_Strikez in the Discord channel. I'm at work currently though so I may not be too active.

Windows 10:

(3 edits)

EDIT: I FIXED THE PROBLEM.  I had some stuff forced in the nVidia control panel, so I'm not sure which one fixed it but I set a few things back to default. I had Shader Cache forced to 5GB, AA forced to 2x, AS forced to 16X, and Low Latency mode ON. So it was probably just one of those things but the game is working now.

All I get is audio, and a black screen. I tried it with fullscreen turned off as well, still a black screen.

Here's the log:


Godot Engine v3.4.4.stable.official.419e713a2 -

OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2

OpenGL ES Batching: ON

ERROR: (Node not found: "../SceneManager/TextDisplay" (relative to "/root/GameController/SceneManager").)

   at: get_node (scene/main/node.cpp:1325) - Condition "!node" is true. Returned: nullptr

ERROR: (Node not found: "../UI/UIMain" (relative to "/root/GameController/Cursor").)

   at: get_node (scene/main/node.cpp:1325) - Condition "!node" is true. Returned: nullptr

ERROR: (Node not found: "../UI/UIMain/SavingMenu" (relative to "/root/GameController/Cursor").)

   at: get_node (scene/main/node.cpp:1325) - Condition "!node" is true. Returned: nullptr

ERROR: (Node not found: "../UI/UIMain/LoadingMenu" (relative to "/root/GameController/Cursor").)

   at: get_node (scene/main/node.cpp:1325) - Condition "!node" is true. Returned: nullptr


ERROR: (Node not found: "UIMain" (relative to "/root/GameController/UI").)

   at: get_node (scene/main/node.cpp:1325) - Condition "!node" is true. Returned: nullptr

ERROR: Signal 'timeout' is already connected to given method 'timer_timeout_hide' in that object.

   at: connect (core/object.cpp:1474) - Method failed. Returning: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER


I love the Manhunter like gfx! Anticipating this one

Oh hell yeah!   :D

Cool, yep it's there.

Is there a windows version? I don't see one in downloads

Man it's the simple things in life that are the best

Can we get a steam code? 

Nice one fella's

I encountered a bug, I was playing the Rewire minigame and after I won my dude was no health, invisible and stuck :P   I think something killed me while I was playing the minigame and now it's soft-locked. 

Wow, I played through about 3 levels and every single time I got Comets or Pling, I quit playing because of it, lol. Maybe bad RNG for me but I still feel like the minigames should only pop up here and there instead of every time you put a can back without walking on the lawn.

This game is awesome, Comets and Pling get really old fast though, they should really only pop up every now and then instead of every time. I love everything else about it

This is identical to Mowerman on the Pico 8, are you the same author by chance? It's super cool 

God of Thunder is one of my favorite games all time, I played through all of them :D

Cool, good!

Is Paradise Never still a thing that's coming?