So I just bought the game and installed it with the correct bit but when I clicked launch it said an error occured while launching Mewn Base. Please help!
Hey RobotLord10, sorry it's not launching from you :/ Got a few questions/steps that'll help me narrow down what might be wrong:
- Steve / @Cairn4
I seem to be having the same issue that RobotLord10 was.
On Windows 10; tried with the standard, Java, and win32 zip files; none worked. Nothing happens at all after double-clicking the exe (or the Java executable). Attempting to run from the command prompt, as suggested, returns no message whatsoever.
I also attempted to install it through the itch app (both standard and win32). When launching through that, clicking the launch button, and the 'play now' button in itch's mini-launcher, I briefly see 'running' in place of the launch button... for less than a second. Then it goes back to showing the launch button, as though nothing had happened.
Itch didn't return an error message during this process, and no log files were apparently generated in the unzipped mewnbase directories. However, the view logs function in itch did give me some errors; have a pastebin of the log:
Hope that helps!
EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out, and got the game to run. As the log file implied, it was a driver issue. The short version was that I needed to update my graphics driver. The long version is that I needed to do that because Windows 10 likes to randomly and silently downgrade your graphics driver during its update process... and the way it does that incidentally disables NVIDIA's own driver update app. This is an ongoing, and recurring Windows 10 issue, though I may have figured out how to stop it from doing that, this time.
That said, it'd have helped me troubleshoot if your game were able to notice the driver issue and give me an error message upfront, instead of dying quietly.
Hey Endovior!
*phew* glad you got it working - these are the sorts of issues that tend to stress me out the most, since their hardest for me to reproduce / easily fix.
Thanks for sending that log file! Like you said, having the game throw some sort of error popup if the game flat-out fails to start would be a great idea, I'll try and see if I can do that.
Yes, I understand you just want to play asap, but without providing any sort of information besides "I get an error" - it'll be hard for me to help you.
Thanks for sending over that log file. Since it doesn't seem to be launching from, try downloading the game from the store page: -> the (or win32 if you're on a 32-bit machine)
Unzip, and run MewnBase.exe - that should be all there is to it.
So you tried running MewnBase.exe from both the download, as well as the version, on a Windows 10 machine and neither of them would start for you? Do you know what sort of video card your machine has in it?
If you previously tried downloading it via the itch desktop app - try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest win32 version. (Which sometimes fixes a issue with the game sometimes not being able to launch).
When reporting issues like this, please tell me what OS you're trying to play it on (and which zip file did you download). Have you tried running it using the Itch Desktop App? Can you try running the executable via command line to see if any errors are printed out in there? I need more information in order to try and help.
Actually, if you have the itch app installed, try this:
Open the MewnBase page in the app. You should see the red "Launch" button, "Uninstall" options etc on the right side of the screen.
Near the bottom one of the buttons should say "Version 0.30 (" -- Right click on that, should open a little context menu -> Advanced -> View Logs...
Email me the contents to - and I'll take a look asap to see what might be going on.
Thanks! Main symptom of the issue looks like it's here, near the bottom of that log file:
err: Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: OpenGL is not supported by the video driver.
[2017-01-23 @ 15:24:10.262] [tasks/launch/native] err: at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglGraphics.createDisplayPixelFormat(
A quick search recommends a couple things:
Try just giving your machine a reboot, and run the game again.
Try updating your video card drivers in Windows.
There's also a few posts on StackOverflow that suggest allowing the game to run in SoftwareOpenGL mode - In a couple hours, I can put that into a quick build and email it over to you so you can see if it works for you.
Hello Cairn4,
the error occurs whether I use the win32 or the win version. Using "the app" proved fruitless as well.
Also, uninstalling and reinstalling the Java environment did nothing to help
I hope you can help me out!
Hey DrNoodles85 -
Oy, sorry that it's not working for you. But thanks for sending those log files. I've seen similar crash reports from a couple other people. The top line of the Java Frames section:
... seems to suggest to me that it's having trouble creating the OpenGL context. Search results for that line always brings a bunch of Minecraft bug reports, in which the usual recommendation from people say to try updating your graphics card drivers. So that might be something you want to give a try? I'd have a hard time believing that an Alienware M17xR4 hardware wouldn't be able to support OpenGL haha
I know it's not the most convenient thing to test out, but not sure what else I could suggest at the moment (besides the 'ol Turn It Off and On again). If you try updating your drivers, let me what happens.
Random other idea: see if you can force your laptop to use it's dedicated graphics instead of the integrated Intel HD 4000 one?
I couldn't get the game to run. So I installed JRE and tried loading it from the CLI and got an error, but ultimately I move the desktop-1.0.jar to the main folder and double clicked it and the game runs. But I can't start it from the EXE.
PS C:\moonbase-win\game> java -jar -d64 desktop-1.0.jar
MewnBase v1.0 | OS: Windows 11
MewnBase launch args:
[MewnBase] MoonBase.coreFolder = data/
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Can't find the data folder here:data/
at com.cairn4.moonbase.MoonBase.create(
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Window.initializeListener(
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Window.update(
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.loop(
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl3.Lwjgl3Application.<init>(
at com.cairn4.moonbase.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.cairn4.moonbase.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(