Everything looks good. I made a donation for the plugin. Thank you so much for your assistance!
Recent community posts
Can you please advise where would I put the code? I tried it before the message in the event without luck.
It seems in MessageCore, the terminateMessage function deactivates the namebox before SceneMap is preserved. Then for some reason, the createMessageWindow function in battle prevents it from coming back.
Only if I go to another map and return, does the namebox return. Maybe something else in the preservation needs to be cleared upon return to the map from battle?
Hi, I ran into another thing when PreserveMapName is on. I'm using YEP_Message Core that displays the talker's name in a window over the message window. The Window_NameBox is drawn as a child to the main message window. I'm unsure if you already have this paid plugin.
If I talk to an NPC with the name window and open scene_shop, then return to the map with the NPC talking, the name window would remain hidden because it was deactivated when the message was terminated before scene_shop open. I'm using a parallel event. I'm unsure what type of functions would PreserveMapName disable from calling again due switching to a menu from map.
Edit: Currently I have a solution below, but it prevents quick return to the map.
SceneManager.goto = function(sceneClass) {
//preserve map scene before battle and menu
if(this._scene && this._scene instanceof Scene_Map){
if(sceneClass!=Scene_Map && sceneClass!=Scene_Shop){
I'm unable to make a demo, but DKTools seems to be the main issue. I didn't edit the default parameters.