I've checked the three stores available the Clothing, Bookstore, and Grocery. The only other part is the one where Linda used to work but I've never been able to buy there since Linda just sends me to school so I'm lost.
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Endlessly errors out with this:
LowLevelFatalError [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 249]
Direct3DDevice->CreatePixelShader(ActualCode.GetData(), ActualCode.Num(), nullptr, Shader->Resource.GetInitReference()) failed trying to create shader '<unknown>' with error E_INVALIDARG
at D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Shaders.cpp:196
Everyone I could find, there are no more of the interactable locations with Val, and going through the posted guides in the forum I have completed all listed. I am genuinely stumped so I was asking what the gem was to see if I got it already and was having a derp moment or is the one blonde chick in the adept hall the last one needed? If so how do you impregnate her
So far the only one of the Students I cannot seem to 'seed' is the blonde lesbian in the adapt dorm. I've done all the day events I think, is there some guide or checklist you can verify. I've gone over and over each time of day and with Val at night... What does the Blue Gem give you and has anyone else have this issue with the blonde girl? If it helps at night she's the one in the bath in the adept dorm... Thanks again.
Suggestion: For the War - A Status page where you can see the level, and at the very least equipped skill icons & a stat block. The only way to see what character is what level is to go into combat. If you put it in the prepare for battle block it would make sense and that way you'd know who to level and what skills you could learn at a glance. :)