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Michael Tintiuc

A member registered Apr 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

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Yep, it’s certainly possible, no doubt about it - using FRT. Also PortMaster was very helpful during my investigations, there are some docs on how to port existing Godot games. But given a particular device we know that it supports GLES3 and Vulkan (in theory), I assume the drivers are there to support these features and hardware rendering. AFAIK you have 2 choices when it comes to OS - ArkOS and JelOS, the latter seems to be running newer software (i.e. mainline kernel for RK3326 chips).

The gist of making it work is:

  • update device OS to latest version
  • download FRT either v2 or v3 it must correspond to Godot version
  • export your game as a .pck file
  • upload both frt and .pck file to the device
  • make the frt binary executable chmod +x frt
  • run the game ./frt frt.pck

Note that the file names are arbitrary, the only catch is that the .pck file should be named the same as the frt binary (i.e. foo and foo.pck)

The learning curve might be quite steep, so be prepared, but I’m sure you’ll emerge victorious, best of luck! :)

I’ve been posting my findings in devlogs and as it turns out an atlas texture gave no visible improvements, to my surprise. Scaling down textures had no impact either. The only other thing I haven’t tried is LODs which will have to be made by hand for Godot 3 as it doesn’t generate them automatically AFAIK

Thanks, rest assured all credits will be properly added :) And thanks to you I was able to maximize my concentration on the topic at hand, out of all the PSX-tagged assets yours were the only ones that actually ran on low-end hardware :D

Thanks for sharing this. I’ve used one of the sound loops in my research of running Godot on a 1ghz device here. Do you mind if I share the project files via github for others to be able to modify and run it themselves?

Thanks for sharing this. I’ve used these assets in my research of running Godot on a 1ghz device here. Do you mind if I share the project files via github for others to be able to modify and run it themselves?

Thanks for sharing this. I’ve used these assets in my research of running Godot on a 1ghz device here. Do you mind if I share the project files via github for others to be able to modify and run it themselves?

Figa 2 is in order, with a dedicated meow button!

Thank you for your review and taking the time to play the game! Indeed the movement is buggy and in fact it was fixed a few hours after the deadline :D turned out the bug was introduced at the very last minute due to some scaling that was applied during 3d model importing. I will be definitely making efforts to continue development of this project although I’m pretty sure it’ll be very different :D

Congrats on your first game jam, this one was my first too! I would highly encourage your to continue development, to me it felt like a very novel idea with tons of potential!

Very cool idea and it could be really something if you continue working on this. I did find the game to be somewhat unresponsive and the sound effects a tad annoying, but overall as a concept really cool, especially the gallery!

Really interesting! Give me shiny reminded me of dark souls :D

As others gave stated look into fixing the UI scaling, otherwise congrats on finishing the game and submitting it!

Actually you already did, my bad! Wanna give it another try? XD

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Why not? Interested in hearing your thoughts on it and thanks!

Consider checking our game out if you’ve got the time, thanks in advance!

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Interested in hearing your thoughts about our game

Thanks in advance!

Would love to see what you think of our game, consider checking it out if you have the capacity

Love the crt effects and the overall look and feel, great job!

Really enjoyed the music and the art style!

Here you go!

Thank you, appreciate your feedback, I’ll make sure to add the keyboard control scheme right away. We were working literally until 30 minutes before the deadline and unfortunately we had no time to work on any ui or tutorial. Thanks for taking the time and playing it, I was actually very surprised how well Godot handled the web export it runs pretty much just as well as the desktop versions sans the screen space effects, I specifically made some shader adjustments to make it as close as possible.

Thanks, happy you liked it! I plan on continuing development for sure, unfortunately there was a last minute bug introduced due to 3d model scaling which made switching paths a hit and miss, if this helps the controls are wasd, space to jump, space while jumping for going up a level and ctrl to drop to a level below. We didn’t have time to get a proper tutorial level done, but I appreciate the feedback nonetheless. The whole concept needs to be revisited and polished/adjusted

Really well done! Nice music and gameplay, very intuitive!

We had multiple weapon types in mind with different tracking types (i.e. homing missiles, lasers, flamethrowers, etc.). Various parts of the boss rotating and looking at the player like the 2nd stage “eyes”. We planned for various power-ups and downs and paths having temporary modifiers. We literally didn’t have time to add the whole rogue-lite aspect of out initial idea. Besides that - the obvious like better music, vfx, UI and balance

Thanks, I’m glad you liked it! Unfortunately we had no time to add a win screen :D I do plan on continuing work on it after the jam

Thanks, it might sound weird but it isn’t necessarily a type of game I’d call mine either :D It’s just where development and design leaned toward and we went with the flow. It was definitely a ton of fun developing it and working on all of the mechanics

Nice, great job finishing your game!

I like the vibe and music, it took me a bit to figure out what to do with the enemies, considering adding some info about that. Great job nonetheless, congrats on finishing it!

Yeah, we'll definitely continue developing it, there's so much we wanted to add but had to prioritize, I was writing code literally to the last minute before the deadline :D

Gameplay footage of the game in action

Thanks so much for your reply! Our priorities were to learn new things and go over the top with the scope. I'm very happy with how it turned out considering the time limitations and ambitious scope even though there are a few bugs left

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Please consider running the desktop Linux or Windows versions as graphically they're much better than the web version, treat the latter as a quick test to see if you're interested.

There's also gamepad and mouse/keyboard support.

Possible in-game actions:

  • Go up/down and inward/outward between the rails
  • Kick barrels and mines to launch them at the Boss
  • Break obstructions like walls with a well timed kick
  • Your shield will protect you from all damage
  • Your shield will deflect Boss bullets
  • Kick Boss bullets to deflect them but take some damage (if your shield is down)
  • Navigate the level to replenish your health and shield