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Millie Squilly

A member registered Jun 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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So the way you've done things is you've basically got two "link" handlers that both overwrite the same default handler and don't actually check what the link span is, so it's defaulting to the second alert since that's the most recent one that got put in. That's why it's not working, you instead want to check which span is clicked.

What you want is something like this:

on link x do
 if x~"link1" alert["ah!"] end
 if x~"link2" alert["ee!"] end

So like, the logic is you have one link handler and then within that you check which one was clicked and do whatever accordingly.

I've put this in just the script for the field, that way you can have different ones in other fields.

Just for fields unfortunately, dd sort of handles its text drawing in its own way. But dd does have a similar feature built in, if you look at the documentation on "text speed" you can have it appear word by word by setting a text speed

Probably the best way to share it is to save out the deck as html and upload it somewhere - neocities is a good option for simple web hosting if you don't otherwise have something available.

In the meantime, if anyone wants to see this in action, just paste the code into the card script and make a canvas on screen named "canvas".

It's a cool effect that I can see people getting some use of - it could be a fun challenge to turn it into a module so it can be more easily reused, as described in the modules section of the doco. Or maybe as a contraption?

Hi thank you that's not at all inappropriate and I'm glad if it was helpful to you!

omg this looks amazing, the art is mindblowing and I remain kinda in love with Willow!

Biggest Decker jam in history! Great work everyone!

Wahhh this is great! The art looks fantastic and the story is big emotions! And you made good use of the medium! It's really good!

In theory you should be able to just set whatever other recording program you use to 8khz audio 8-bit mono - although having looked at Audacity apparently it doesn't go as low as 8-bit, haha. But that's what you'd want to do to get the same effect

There is much going on here that I do not fully understand but it looks wild! And you have probably used JankyTunes more than anyone else (except me probably, lol).

If you want to have it so the jankytunes don't stop while the dialgoizer bits are running, there is a bit of code you can use to make that happen - here's a post I made about that

Up to you whether that's a thing that's useful to you though, given the style it's totally legit if you prefer it as is! I am happy to help though if you want.

Ahh, that's a whole lotta good music recommendations! This is such a cool and fun concept and it's turned out great!

oh wow this is amazing! so good!!! relatable feelings, good style, fantastic

Yessssss I remember seeing those fonts and wishing I could use them in Decker! This is awesome thank you so much!

Yeah honestly Decker is great for small projects like this as well as big ones

Thanks for checking my zine out too!

In an ideal world I'd have that song playing over the credits haha!

Oh cool, Ditherit is great! Ahh, they're photo collages then? It's a great visual style and it works super cool with the palette!

The aesthetic is wild I would be fascinated to learn what your process is for the art, since I'm guessing this isn't drawn in Decker, lol! The characters are so mean though, haha!

I did have some trouble with inadvertent double-clicking, I think because some of the clicking on people was triggered by a mouse-down event, whereas advancing text and such was triggered by a mouse-up event. So I'd click someone, immediately they'd go into a dialogue sequence, but if I released the button too slowly it would register as a click in dialogizer and I'd miss the first line of dialogue.

I think this is because the "click" event for a canvas runs on mouse-down, whereas for buttons and such it happens on a mouse-up. One way around this (which is how I've done it in my own stuff) would be instead of having the clicks handled by the canvas itself, to have a button of the same size as the canvas that handles the input. Then you also get the benefit of the mouse cursor changing to show that it's clickable - which may or may not be a desired feature, haha. There is also a "release" event on a canvas that might work too?

But yeah this is so wild and there's a cool range of puzzles going on here. Nice work!

omg it's so pretty though!!!

Ooh, I'll keep an eye out for the official release then!

This is a cute little choose your own adventure! Nice work and I hope you do more Decker things in future!

As a Decker tip, if you set the field widgets to "locked" in the widget menu, that'll mean people can't type in them when they're playing - it can give things a more polished feel if that's what you want. Also, if you use the File->Properties menu option you can save the deck out in a "locked" format where the menu bar doesn't show, which gives it more of a stand-alone game feeling.

Stop!! Hibari-Kun!! is a series I've heard of a fair bit but haven't checked out myself yet - I probably should give it a try, huh?

Wahhh, your art is so pretty! And the feelings are powerful and relatable (although we have talked much about them already)!

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it :3

Aha, a game of spicy hot takes! I think I just lost this game in real life since I recently built a new gaming PC and then proceeded to put Windows on it :o

But then what is Decker for, if not disseminating spicy hot takes? Excellent! Although, since we're on I'm surprised it didn't get a mention as part of the steam/gog mix at the end haha ;)

yessssss nonlinear storytelling, we love it!

Oh dear it wasn't consciously Kiss From A Rose *embarrassed noises*

But on the anachronisms, I'd argue I didn't specify a time period except that it's clearly not our own world so who's to say that video games can't exist? Is it any less plausible than mages?

But then I'd have had to write even MORE different branching scripts depending on if you'd got the sword at that point or not! ;)

I am glad you enjoyed and that the song recommendation vibes with you :3

When you're in "draw" mode you can press M to toggle hide and show the menu bar, so you can draw where the menu bar would otherwise be.

Oh yeah those fonts came from the msfonts deck that I linked!

Decker community · Posted in Fonts

It sounds like you understand moving fonts from one deck to another, but you're looking to bring a font in from outside Decker? As in like a regular Windows TTF or whatever font?

Fonts in Decker are kind of their own format, that's not really transferable/convertible from other formats. So unfortunately you can't really just import in from an existing font, you'd have to write some sort of conversion tool. And I think a lot of modern fonts are vector-based which doesn't quite work with Decker's pixel thing.

I know Internet Janitor did do some stuff with converting over some old Windows 3.1 era fonts into Decker, and they're at

If you don't mind pixelling in a font manually though then there's the fontedit.deck in the examples folder.

Let me know if I'm totally off-base, if you're just looking to move fonts from another deck let me know and I'll see if I can find some doco on that.

I really like both the structure and the aesthetic of this and also it's really good!

It's so aesthetically intense! Nice work, I think you've achieved and executed on a great style here!

For the benefit of others in the thread, this is what I suggested

each x in range 60
 #do the thing that you need for the animation

:3 thank you!

I know some non-English decks have been made by basically redefining unused characters in the font to be characters with accents and such - e.g. you might not need a @ or # or $ in your text, so these can be repurposed to characters with accents. And if you're writing outside Decker you can just do a find and replace to convert it before pasting in. Very much depends on how many accented characters you need for that language though. And doesn't work well for input but if you're just looking to display text then it'll work.

Hi, just want to check what the issue with jankytunes was here - was it just that it paused when the script was in "sleep" mode or was it something else?

There are some tricks you can do, like writing a little loop in the code where, instead of sleeping for 60 frames, it calls the animation bits and then sleeps for 1 frame, 60 times. I think in lil you'd use like an "each x in range 60" thing to do this? But you'll probably want to read the lil doco for more details.

It sounds like you got it sorted out though?

Yesssssss this is wild!

Oh, this is tickling the brain meats! This is gooooooooood!

thank you! (that's a good thing right?)

Heck yeah, the dream of a shmup in Decker has been realised! And it looks great! I love like the parallax backgrounds and all, it's awesome!

We all miss Eggbug dearly!

The main trick with the save system is how you structure the stuff you want to save/load to begin with - like if you keep things organised it's way easier to save it all out and load it back in.