Not to worry! We'll be sure to update the game to support more controls once the jam is completely over. We didn't have time to implement more controls and we don't feel good about updating the game to support more during the rating period.
Keep an eye on our page to make sure you know when we update, we'll be more than happy to have you play our game :)
Midnight Lab
Creator of
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Fun pirate rhythm game that you play with a controller
Hey guys,
I wanted to let you know about another iteration in our game called Space Transport Explorer!
Space Transport Explorer is a game where you get to explore the vast galaxy (of a thousand stars) and craft the inventions of your lost father in order to unravel what happened to him.
Check out the changelog for information on what changed since the last release.
We're currently working on setting up the main mechanics of the game, but got to a point where the game is playable.
The galaxy is exploreable in this state and crafting is also available (just not to the extend of the finalized game).
If you're up for chatting about your experience inside the game, feel free to comment in this thread, send me a personal message or post in our forums.
If you liked our game, please share it with your friends! We would love to expand our playerbase and have more people loving and playing our game.
Hey s0f4k,
Thank you for your feedback, it helps us better shape out the game and make it more enjoyable for everyone.
Your feedback touches on a subject not a lot of people have thus far, and that is not understanding the game.
I want to remind you we're in pre-alpha, so the game is in a playable state, just not in a state that is to be considered a completed game or something that should be finished in any sense. If anything, it should be considered an early-access tech-demo.
With that being said, your feedback is still really valuable, since you gave us a look at what a player expects from our game and what they found. I agree the goal of the game seems unclear at this point and it is something we're working on.
The spacebar bug you mentioned isn't supposed to be there, but those mechanics aren't fully polished at this state.
The game does feel limited at this point I can agree with you on that, however we're currently working on incorporating more fun mechanics and a clearer purpose inside the game thanks to your feedback.
Thanks again for your feedback, stick with us and stay tuned for the next update (feel free to share this game with your friends!).
Hey, I wanted to let you guys in on version 2.0.0 Pre-Alpha our game called Space Transport Explorer.
Space Transport Explorer is a game where you get to explore the vast galaxy (of a thousand stars) and craft the inventions of your lost father in order to unravel what happened to him.
Check out the changelog for information on what changed since the last release.
We're currently working on setting up the main mechanics of the game, but got to a point where the game is playable.
The galaxy is exploreable in this state and crafting is also available (just not to the extend of the finalized game).
--- Check out our game here! ---
Changelog: Pre-alpha v2.1.1
Last version: Pre-alpha v2.1.1
- Added more different types of planets and planet surfaces
- Added Energy and Fuel to the game for a more challenging exploration experience
- Added UI for keeping track of Needs of the player
- Added new running animations
- Forced new type of rendering for Planet surfaces
- Shops now sell random items that belong to their economy
- Made some changes to trading gameplay
- Made clickable action zones (e.g Click on the bed to sleep)
- Added SleepScene to sleep at the end of the day.
- Added notification UI to notify the player of in-game happenings
- Rebalanced some of the pricing in the shops
- Added warning messages for when the player runs out of fuel or is about to collapse due to low energy. (Low energy and fuel are not enforced with any mechanics right now)
- Added ability for shops to sell fuel
- Added begin and ending animations for running adding more weight to the player
- Added refuel mechanic, hovering next to a sun while walking around in your ship refuels your ship
- Added UI for checking item attributes and keeping track of pricing to get maximum profit out of your goods
- Added Machinery items to the game
- Added Cable items to the game
- Added Wire items to the game.
- Made native versions for the game (Linux and Windows)
Thanks for playing and stay tuned for the next update!
Hey mrpete!
I love your thorough review as well as your kind words.
We're currently working on version v1.1.0 of the pre-alpha right now with randomly generated planets as well as a basic dialogue system, so those should add to the immersion (and story later on).
I also want to thank you for trying out the game on multiple platforms, as running into issues like the "MSVCR100.dll" is important for us to know. The issue might be caused by the underlying NekoVM platform that we're using to compile our game to Windows.
I want to, again, thank you for your time and hope that you stick with us throughout the project.
Stay tuned for the next update!
Hey guys, I wanted to show you guys a project I'm currently working on with my girlfriend.
It's called Space Transport Explorer. Set in a large universe, you can travel to any system or station and craft items based off of stuff you buy in different stations.
The game is a very early stage of development (Pre-Alpha) so please help us out with feedback or let us know of any bugs you might find!
Feel free to report any bugs to this thread when you're running into them.
It's important that you share as much information that you can, like
- What were you doing in the game when it happened
- What did your character do in a small time window around the bug appearing
- What output did you get in the Development console
- If you saw a warning or crash report, what did it say?
Recipe list
Copper Plate
110 110 000
(1) being Copper Bar.
Iron Plate
110 110 000
(1) being Iron Bar.
Silver Plate
110 110 000
(1) being Silver Bar.
Gold Plate
110 110 000
(1) being Gold Bar.
Aluminium Plate
110 110 000
(1) being Aluminium Bar.
Platinum Plate
110 110 000
(1) being Platinum Bar.
110 110 000
(1) being Silicium Bar.
Copper Wire
000 111 000
(1) being Copper Bar.
Copper Cable
010 020 010
(1) being Rubber.
(2) being Copper Wire.
010 020 030
(1) being <any gem>.
(2) being <any metal> CPU.
(3) being Circuit.
Happy Pills
000 010 000
(1) being Gold Bar.
Gold Bar
Put Iron Bar, in random order.
Steel Bar
Put Coal, Iron Bar, in random order.
Put Flour, Eggs, in random order.
Tomato Sauce
Put Stock, Tomatoes, in random order.
Put Pasta, Tomato Sauce, in random order.
Put Flour, Yeast, in random order.
Put Dough, Tomato Sauce, Cheese, in random order.
Put Rice, Fish, in random order.
Put Fish, in random order.
Hey guys!
Since the game doesn't have a tutorial or any game mechanics to explain to the player how the game works, I've taken my time to write up a small wall of text explaining how our game works. You don't need to read this entire page in order to play the game, feel free to just start up the game and start playing and reference this page when needed.
The way the game works and the controls are subject to change!
List of Content
- Controls
- Player
- Ship (Traveling)
- Ship (Docking)
- Tutorials
- Interacting with the ship
- Traveling
- Interacting with stations
- Crafting
Controlling the player
W, A, S, D : Controls player movement.
E: Interacting with ship and environment.
Escape: Stop interacting with ship or environment
Controlling the ship while traveling
W, S: Increase/decrease throttle.
A, D: Change ship's direction
Left Control: Reset throttle to 0 (braking).
E: Jump to next starsystem in plotted route. (The player must have a route set to do this)
Controlling the ship while docking
W, S: Increase/decrease throttle.
Left control: Reset throttle to 0 (braking).
Escape: Stop controlling ship and control player.
Interacting with the ship.
Interacting with the ship can be done by clicking E at several locations in the ship.
- At the cockpit (to control the ship)
- At the map (to go into the galaxy map)
- At the back of the ship (to open the ship door)
If you want to do cross-system travel, you have to plot a route to that system. You can do this by interacting with the map in your ship. Once in the galaxy map, you can select your preferred system. If you need to select a specific economy to fly to, use the Q button to toggle the map to show system economies.
Once you've selected your preferred system, click the route button to plot a route. You'll see several lines going through multiple systems. This is the route you'll take! If you see one of the lines in red, it means that your ship can't handle the jump distance needed to go from one system to the other.
If you click the View button when selecting a system, you can go into the system map. Here you can see all of the planets in that system. In this version you can see which planets have a station by a red pixel on the top right of the planet. Clicking the planet will spawn an info panel with planet info and a waypoint button. Clicking this button will make a waypoint for this planet once you're in that system, this action will not plot the route for you.
Once you've plotted a route, press the Escape button to leave the map. Now move your character to the cockpit of your ship and press E to control your ship. You're now flying through a system and you'll be seeing an orange arrow pointing you in a direction. In order to jump to the next system, you'll need to go into the direction of the arrow at max speed (1.1 px/s) and press E to jump. You do this several times based on how many jumps away your target system is.
Once you're in your preferred system you might see a white arrow pointing you in a direction. This is an arrow pointing you to the waypoint you've set earlier. You cannot jump this distance.
In order to board a station, you need to arrive at the planet where the station is located. The station will always rotate around the planet at a small radius from the surface. Either explore the planet's radius to see it or wait a while to see it come around. If you want to board that station, collide with the grey sprite representing the station at a low speed (< 0.4 px/s).
Interacting with stations
The player can interact with several things in a station (in this version).
- Ladders (to ascend/descend floors)
- Facilities
- Commodities shop (to buy and sell goods to the station)
- Workshop, Kitchen, Techlab (to craft items and parts)
- Forge (to smelt ores into bars)
- Shipyard (to switch ships) (the door to the left of the bar activates this)
Crafting is in a very early state.
For now, ores can be smelted at a Forge facility (at mining stations).
You can craft items at a Workshop facility (at industrial stations).
Crafting is Minecraft inspired, so feel free to experiment.
Check out the recipes thread for the recipes available in the current version of the game.