My goodness, I loved Oz's original desine, so I though I would be sad with his new one. But I was wrong, he is so cute! I can't wait to see where this goes, and I wish you the best of luck in your creation prosses.
Recent community posts
I am currently on an unhealthy binge of your games, if anyone needs salvation its me. Also how are you so good at making games? I've wanted to make one, but I'm both to lazy to make one and and all my ideas are probably crap(also I don't know how to make one). I really hope you decide to come back to this, but also you have other really good games that would also be amazing to see finished. Sorry for the ramble its past midnight when I'm writing this.
I love them all to unhealthy degrees. Also you did the impossible, I like all the love intrests... almost the same amount... I got all 4 good ends, and I can't bring myself to get the bad ends.
Ok, TBH when Nightowl was a little possesive, like it sealed his spot as my faverote. (I may or may not have an unhealthy obssesion with yanderes...)
I got the ending where you kiss Ronin in his faverot ally. He's so hot omgosh, is there an even "better" ending with him? please say there is I want to be a phyco in love and curently with a serial killer, and I want to live with him and I need more scenes like that last one I loved it so much aghhhhhhhhhhhh.(Oh no, I'm being weird again...)
Edit: Omgosh just played V's route, love him, so so much. can we please get some after stories, you know, for more content with my pcycotic bbs. (Also can you implement somethin that keeps track of all of the endings you've got?)
Edit 2: I was looking around, and is this cannon? I mean does this cannonly happen after Gluttony Gods?
I genuanly don't feel bad for Milo. We don't make him that way he is, its shown through the little things. like how we only chose him because he already adored us. The moment we walk away the first time, he looks at us with obsession. He was already those people, even if we had never even got Ryan to bully him, it feels like he still would have become the insane person he is. Edit: I forgot to include how much I love this game. As someone who is obsessed with yanderes and infactuated with the idea of them, I loved this. I want more things like this, where its a yandere romance but the MC is just as insane.
2nd Edit: I read through some comments and am I weird for choosing Little Bun as my nickname?
Omg I loved Alan in the original version but now my nose is bleeding. I was so sad when it ended so soon. I also get way bigger yandere vibes now, in the original it was just cute except for you being choked at night, which didn't have any connection to Alan. Make more please I love this man, like to an unhealthy extent.(edit I know this sounds rude, but he's only cuter dialogue and expression wise, his old sprite was adorable and he's still cute just not as much. I'm sure you have reasons like a lot of VN artist have had to change their sprites)
Ok, I have a bone to pick with you. This game has been plaguing me. I'll be headed to bed then suddently I'm thinking about this game. I think about how sad and amazing the two releasing the ashes endings were, I think about just how great the game was in general. Why, why won't it leave my head! I lay in bed thinking of this game, what did you do to me.