:0 I loved it so much!! So cute and... just.. :') I wish it was longer though... I just didn't want it to end! But I guess all good things come to an end.. my family is having a difficult time right now and this brightened my day ! (night, really) So i thank you for making this wonderful heartwarming game. <3
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Loved this game! One thing I was, like REALLY annoyed about, is I wasn't ready, and I needed one more cat to fight the Ultimate Noms, so I was giving one of the cats noms, and I didn't know how much like, hearts I had gotten, so I accidentally summoned the boss when my cats were at 80 health and had to start all over again!! :c It was- annoying.. well I actually didn't feel like starting over after.. but great game! It's so cute and wholesome!
Also here are my fav plants I have of each type.
Cave Blossom (headings won't work)
Garden Plant (yay they work)
Prairie Star

Needs a name!
Forest Sprig (darn heading things won't work! AGAIN! >:( agh)

(Sen-aye-eyes-in) Now they work... FOREST SPRIG

Forest Sprig (darn heading things won't work! AGAIN! >:( agh)

Cactus (yay!)
I'll come up with some combination of vowels and consonants for a name.
I'll add to this later.
-. .. -.-. . / --. .- -- . -.-.-- / .- -. -.. / --. --- --- -.. / -.-. --- -. -.-. . .--. - -.-.-- / ..-. .. -. -.. / .. - / .- / .-.. .. .-.. .----. / - --- --- / ..-. .- ... - / ..-. --- .-. / -- . / - .... --- .-.-.- / -.-. .- -. .----. -.-- / .-- .-. .. - . / -.. --- .-- -. / ..-. .- ... - / . -. --- ..- --. .... .-.-.- / --- - .... . .-. .-- .. ... . --..-- / .. / .-.. --- ...- . -.. / .. - .-.-.- / -.--. .- .... .... --..-- / -.. .. -.. / .. / .-- .-. .. - . / - .... .- - / .-. .. --. .... - ..--.. -.--.-