Thank you for the speedy response! I really appreciate the breakdown.
I discovered that the issue was actually with the name I was giving my variable...I'm still not sure why it was happening but I suspect it was too similar to the name of something else in my project. Once I followed your code with a different name it worked!
Thanks again for your contributions as I'm really excited to have this feature and I will be crediting you in the final release!
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Hello! Can you please explain this part in a bit more detail. I am trying to make an achievement that is granted once player tries all 4 options of something.
# $ persistent.seen_endings.add("end1")
# $ ending_achievement.progress(len(persistent.seen_endings))
## This will prevent the achievement from being added to multiple times if the
## player sees the same ending multiple times.
I tried to do my own version and keep getting the error
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'add'
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add'
Do we need to define the class somewhere? I'm also severely sleep deprived so may be making simple mistake. Overall love this code a lot though!
Thanks for the response! Your code helped me so much and I'm so happy I get to include the robust credit page that I thought was beyond my coding ability (which to be fair it was haha, but I have learned a bit more now by studying your code and others and other tutorials). And you will be able to see yourself on that credit page once the game is out xD.
I never thought about that issue before (potentially including sketchy links in Renpy games); in my head I thought that having a direct link is the most useful for the player and having a shorthand is the most attractive, but now I will have to think a bit more about my design philosophy.
Hope you have a nice day,
Nevermind I figured it out!
In case it helps anyone else:
Within the file of the template you want to use (1b, 2a, ect) find
textbutton _(url_tuple[1]) action OpenURL(url_tuple[1])
and replace with
textbutton _(url_tuple[1]) action OpenURL(url_tuple[2])
In this instance the first item in the tuple will be the text and the second will be the URL it links to
So in init_credit_objects file when listing the credits you will put "img", "text", "url"
(When I first tried this it kept breaking due to unrelated typos so I had doubt in my code but nope pretty sure this is the correct answer)
Hello! I actually played a demo of this game back at Bishounen Con, and I was really happy to play it's full release! Really cute and funny. One thing has been bothering me though. As I left the game idling on the room explore screens, a song started to play that I knew I had heard before... I went through all the artists on your music credit page but there was so much and I couldn't find the exact song. Please can you tell me the name / source of that song? I think it's the third or fourth in the loop, has a somewhat mechanical sound effect running throughout. I'm dying to find out... Dx