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A member registered Dec 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Absolutely love the sprites. But one thing I have to mention, since you seem to be open to making edits... the worm sprite is pretty darn phallic in the frames where his eyes and mouth are closed.

Thank you, and thank you so much for hosting! This was our first jam and we had a blast participating.

Really fun! took me a few plays to get the hang of it, but I enjoy the gamplay. The character customization is a cool addition.

Not too shabby! I haven't broken 77 yet

The graphics may be simple, but the mechanics are really fun!

I'm... pretty sure level 2 is impossible.

10/10 GOTY

Death by infinite fall!

The screenshake on the twomper was very effective.

Damn, those batteries are too buried for me to find!

Just a grey screen for me :(

Would love to check it out if you upload a new build.

I like the capturing mechanic, unique :)

Relaxing little game, my wife enjoyed it :)

3 games in 1!?

Damn, goddess of wisdom really took all 9 lives at once

Fun to play around with :)


So cute! Great puzzles — was excited to see how they developed!

Great art :)

Fun core mechanic :)

Brief, but peaceful :)

Gets challenging fast, definitely a "just one more try" game!

Love the art, and satisfying placement mechanics.

Gonna have to get some friends together, pulling off multiplayer in 3 days is something crazy!

Cute and fun little puzzle. Didn't beat it naturally, I think, but I did get the "Congrats" by making infinite food 😂

10/10 drew Maria Carey from my discard pile and put it in my hand.. or something. A fully immersive holiday card-drawing experience, on the edge of my seat for the VR release.

Very engaging yet simple concept -- perfect choice for a game jam!

Fun concept to toy around with:)

Very impressive game for such a short period! I love the pixel art. I can't say I exactly understand the mechanic of the lights blaring and the game resetting though. It felt unavoidable and confusing to me.

Very impressive game for such a short period! I love the pixel art. I can't say I exactly understand the mechanic of the lights blaring and the game resetting though. It felt unavoidable and confusing to me.

FYI I had the same issue on web. Solution is File > Build Settings > Player Settings > Publishing Settings > Compression Format = "Disabled"