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A member registered Nov 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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🐦🏏 Cute game, simple, clean, easy to play! Great job :)

A nice looking game, the enemies look and move good. 

It could benefit from more of a map, perhaps some different guns. An upgrade to reload speed would help a lot.

There were also a few bugs, intentional perhaps but reloading takes longer with more bullets. If you reload with half a mag it reloads from 0. You can jump? But there's no real need to. You can also dash and then jump and it will send you flying.

Overall a neat little game. You could add more stuff to give it more gameplay, but for a game-jam game it's good.

A nice fun little game. It could use some more sounds for destroying buildings, but a great game jam entry,  with some nice UI and a bit of replayability. Some different maps could be cool too! :)

Congratulations, you're officially a game designer!

A nice little game! I like the models, I think the game could benefit from having things that take your blood away, so having things to eat and things to not eat. Overall pretty good!

Thanks Jordan for giving it a go! Yes more levels would have been nice, unfortunately we were running out of time and so we had to keep things short. There is definitely more we could have pushed out of the mechanics but perhaps it a thought for next time.

I know, there's not many of us UE4 game jam devs. I'll make sure to check yours out! I'm glad you liked the art and some of the effects, I just wish we had a little more time to put some more levels together. Thanks for giving the game a go! 

Hey, thanks for giving the game a go! 

Yeah a bit more info would be a good idea, it's a bit difficult since the things you craft are only checked when you've put everything down, it's more to do with the logic of how the system works than anything else. 

The "picking" is a tad buggy,  but we were running short for time at the end. Something to note the next time we participate in a jam. 

Cheers again for playing the game :D

They bug me too! :D Thanks for checking the game out, unfortunately the scope was a little too big, but hey it was only 3 days and our first time developing as a small team. Cheers again for giving it a go!

Cheers for giving it a go! Yeah we we're rushed for time so unfortunately we didn't manage to iron out most bugs, plus there's no sound since we didn't have a sound designer. Hopefully for the next jam we can be a bit more streamlined in our approach. 

Thanks again for trying it out! :D