That rather cheered me up. Well done.
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To everyone (misquoting Taytay) - we need to calm down:)
To Runey-sen : Is Ren'py 'fun' to dev in? You have so many story arcs running all of which could be their own. Can it be split off? As an ongoing environment to work in - you obviously have an incredible base - would you recommend?
Speaking as an ex-SysAdmin and now a happy hausfrau:)
I hate WASD controls because I am so old we had to move a ping pong bat by tipping the TV on the side but - this is very very good. So good I forgot all about that - although the 'jump' bit stymied me. Atmospheric (for once I have working sound), wonderfully drawn and just a little creepy.
The 'pager' graphic work is superb. I wish I knew how to code for this sort of effect.
Pos Def More =^^= Lovely demo all round
I just did my first Jam ever (the Rectangle one ended on partner mines birthday so theres a deadline!) and it has made me want to try an OGA one. Because a) it was fun for me to learn microStudio b) gave me confidence and most importantly c) was fun.
Major prob I have now is deciding on which OGA assets to use.. =^^=
I hope no spoilers but the art and craft of the Story Teller involves the reader (!) becoming immersed enough to care about the characters. All I will say is the Lin arc left me on the edge of my seat. I just wanted to arm myself with Android and go rescue. Anyone who wanted to sail away with Lin and live happily ever after - well for the human - will be in tears.
Well done