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(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! To be honest, I'm not good at platformers either so playtesting this game was a nightmare for me. And I wanted to balance things out a bit more and make the game easier, but I really wanted to make sure that I would submit the game on time, so in the end I didn't do that.

Edit: And if I had more time, making the boss appear a bit better would probably be a higher priority for me anyways :D .

Peace was never an option! And thanks for playing :) .

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I didn't expect a game about mental health in this jam, but it was awesome! Btw. the part when the character just gives up on cleaning the house (like what's the point???) reminded me of myself when developing my game for this jam ._. .

Thanks :) .

Relatable gameplay :D .

Just I don't know whether a end-game screen should appear or something, but I was collecting the items for a while and then it crashed (maybe it's just because of my old laptop).