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A member registered Feb 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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LMAO I finally got the pun!!!! I’m such a pothead! Edit: Enji is probably the best character I’ve seen thus far thanks for the laughs

wow the comments are kinda mean but i hope everything is okay with the devs. I feel like everyone is stressed out because of recent…political events. SO to all who read these VN’s be patient and don’t be a dick its not good for your soul. Or option two. Make your own to fill in the gap Of not having a vn to read. Stop being mean to each other. Seriouslly they’re authors not miracle workers….

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As a fellow American, I’m sorry for the stupidity of my fellow countrymen that are so selfish. I hope you guys are okay and thank you for the message. I love your VN an I hope every thing works out for you. Don’t give up friend.

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First off, lemme start by saying this VN Is amaze-balls and I cant wait to see where this goes. As for my inquiry I’d like to know what exactly does entertaining your lust entail. I’ve replayed from chapter one 10 times and I keep missing it. Any suggestions on what to do would be great. Other than that see you next update!!!!! And keep up the good work! this is some godlike storytelling tweaks and other slight problems aside!!!!

Edit: I’m absolutely dumb lmaoooooo I found it. You my friend are a true writer lmaooooooooooooo Also ima need receipts on whence you got these songs from this some goooood shit

Oh I suddenly remember this guy. I liked some of the stories you wrote on Furry Network. Definitely gonna give this a try!!!!! I’ll leave a review when I’m done too.

Prolly the most based thing I ever heard. The fuck is Machine Plagiarism. Sounds like reverse racism. Both of those things are dumb and don’t make sense.

I thanks for the info!!! I really hope they're okay. It would be quite the waste of a good VN, but the health of the Author and his constituents are just as  important. Beeg prayers!!!!!

Out of curiosity cuz I don't have a Twitter account is this Project still going

A super awesome little treat. I Enjoyed this quite a lot. Nice quick read with a simple story. Thanks Writer.

Thought id ask it here. Maybe i have no idea what im doing; but im on windows and i can't seem to down load the file for this properly.  I'm on windows and it comes up as a .rar file can i get some help on this maybe?

Also why is the file an .rar file

can confirm not going with clothes gets you the scene

Will do and will leave a edited review once I'm done

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Happy middle is all im looking for lol. Being brave and being stupid are two very different things. Fear is what makes us human. Which is also ironic because we're still animals ourselves.  SO the whole quote should be fear is what makes us animals. But that's not the point. The point is that if the mc has nothing to fear from the beginning; in a setting where the mc doesn't even have a special skill (No running ur mouth is not a power its a hinderance), the whole story can be thrown off course. Turning something beautiful in to something sad and deluded. And I for one wouldn't want to read that. Got enough delusional people in the world. Subtract from the problem dont add to it.

Edit: Now that ive read the new and improved lovin it so far. It seems the author has taken the time to really hear out the comments here and on other social forums so I'm gonna continue to be patient and see where this goes. Keep it up guys!!!!

If its being rehashed its prolly cuz new people are reading it to find the same problem. NO rush to the devs. I like seeing ppl suceed, but that won't happen if we give participation trophies all the time. The truthful brutally honest comments are the ones that can make or break how these things yeah keep it up. But dont expect the journey to be easy.

I want to like this story but I have so many questions. Like why the player-character is such a dick...? Jeez your surrounded by hulking masses of flesh and your first instinct is to go for fag? Doesnt seem very relistic to me. Like the character doesnt have a sense of danger or something. I dont know maybe Im just a hater; but this seems kinda rushed. 

Neermind my computer is weird and decided to shorten my menu w/o showing me i have an option bar lol oof i found it.

I know this question is probably redudndant but how and where do I use said codes?

Do I use the name at char creation or something im missing it here?

ahh i see thx ill wait till after then. 

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I....was he playing with a bomb omg this game I'm crying lmaooooooo afweijnwoiwjnienbikjmklmopff

Out of curiosity do u similacrum before or after finishing the original game i dont get it...

Haha Like 69 Lets goooooo

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I gotta say I relate to Andrew on a spiritrual level. I know you arent making anymore playable story lines but *pushes up grasses revealing a menacing looking glare* this is awesome. 

Also f Dianna may she turn in to a pilla of ash!!!


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So i was doing my thing and I noticed the cafe shop owner isnt there is that a wip or is there something im missing

Edit: lol nvm figured it out just forgot to turn in his quest lol im so blind and dumb oof