no tower descriptions and clunky UI
Was interested when I read about "achievements" but a simple "get past X amount of waves" isnt exciting or fun to collect
not original or fun after 3 minutes
steps to recreate:
- See update notification
- get excited
- download
- start new game
- make weapon X
- put it on the counter
- wait for costumer
- craft weapon Y that he wants
- hand it over (without letting go of the mousebutton?)
the Costumer takes weapon X that was laying on the counter and pays for weapon Y that he ordered.
That happened twice within the first 15 minutes of gameplay.
Another Update that makes me not play the game.
I really hope there will be an update soon that doesnt steal your money and makes the gameplay enjoyable and not frustrating.
After further digging around and testing the game I can confirm that its somewhat easy to crash the game by changing through resolutions and toggling the fullscreen option.
I was also able to find a lot sources with people having issues in general that their monitors go black after quitting a game so dont worry about that one too much. Probably not your fault.
The only (unreliable) hint I found was to replace the d3d9.dll file. who knows where the bug actually is that causes this behavior.
One last thing...
Why is the list with possible resolutions so long and includes duplicates of the same resolution every once in a while?
i am using the left monitor as my main and that's where the game runs.
The black screen happens when I try to exit the game or when I disable the full-screen mode in-game (1920x1080 resolution - native).
If I run it in windowed mode it's fine.
The weird thing is that it doesn't always happen when I disable the fullscreen mode ether.
I don't have a good explanation for it. I am using an nvidia card with latest drivers but I don't use the surround mode.
Not sure if it helps but I use HDMI for my left and right monitor and the middle one uses an VGA cable.
I will do some further testing today but it's painful to restart the pc everytime it happens.
Is there something like a log that gets created or a way to enable it?
I love the game and the latest release looks gorgeous!
But it is so broken that I will have wait for the next update.
The game constantly gets confused what metal types were used (makes you loose a lot money) and disassembles all weapons on load.
PLEASE dont rush updates in the future, its just not worth it.
Or provide hotfixes 1 or 2 days afterwards to maintain playability.
I hope you agree.
- a fan
I have a random issues with the game. I have 3 monitors and when I close the game all monitors go black and I can't do anything about it. I tried the usual key combinations like ALT+TAB, CTRL+ALT+DEL and CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, nothing worked. The only thing I could do is push the power button of my PC to initiate a shutdown.
Geforce 780GT
1920x1080 Fullscreen