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A member registered Aug 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very good tips, thank you! I will probably use some of these ideas and make a big update in the future =) 

Nice concept, easy to play, fun and even addicting. I don't really have anything negative to say, well done =)

Thank you for your feedback! The timing system was a big headache for me while doing this. It doesn't work as it should, i thought looking at the animation would be enough to predict the right teaming but i was obviously wrong. The attack blocks is something i thought about, but i decided to go for a more simple gameplay for this jam. It was a learning experience at least, I'm glad you enjoyed the other aspects of the game!

Nah, it's not you, it's not perfect. Don't worry, i appreciate the feedback! I'm trying to get better =)

I will try to change the timing a bit so it's more intuitive. I'm sorry for that, i just can't get it right for some reason =/. The idea is that when the attack animation ends, you have to be really close to the opponent to land a critical hit. There's also a timing message at the bottom to help you with that, but i'm aware that there's something off with the timing.

Yeah, i'm getting this a lot. I will try to change the timing a bit so it's more intuitive. I'm struggling a bit with this for some reason, i changed the timing a few times and still doesn't feel right. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback! I might have to make the timing more forgiving at least for normal mode. I wanted the player to be able to time it by looking at the attack animation, and starting the attack a bit early so when the attack animation ends, the spear is really close to the opponent for maximum damage, but it's not as obvious as i thought. That's why i added the timing information message at the bottom, but it's still not perfect.

Thanks =)

Really cool idea, i also like the art style and the color palette. A bit confusing at first for dense people like me, lol. I also don't really understand the reward system, having an explanation for that somewhere would be nice. It looks good tho!

Thank you =)

Nice little game, i enjoyed it. If you want some feedback, adding more types/sizes of platforms would make the game a bit more engaging. Good job =)

I like the retro style, some of the projectiles were pretty hard to dodge but maybe im just bad :D Good job.

Amazing game! The only thing i didn't like as much is the move control, having to hold the space bar for a few seconds just to move 1 step can be a bit tedious, but other than that the game is great. Congrats =)

Interesting concept! The weakness on top of the mobs head is a bit hard to see sometimes, and the mobs don't stand out either and are also hard to see. I think it would have been better to have different mob models each with the colors of the element they are weak to. Good job tho =)

Thank you! I wanted my game to be somewhat challenging, maybe i should lower the difficulty for the normal mode a little bit and leave the hard mode as it is.