Game I have stored in my favorites. The music gives it a mood that fascinates me. I would have loved for you to have finished it during the Ludum Dare, but it's understandable that there wasn't enough time. Hidden gems like this are ones I really enjoy. Great work!
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Thank you for your feedback and for taking action to improve the user experience by providing an executable version of the game. I wanted to clarify that the issue might not be directly related to cursor lag. Instead, it appears that sometimes the Easter egg sprites are rendered above the cursor. Ideally, the cursor should always be displayed on top of all sprites, including these Easter eggs. This could be the root cause of what users are experiencing as cursor delay.
Outstanding game! I've truly enjoyed it! The aspect where you need to switch among rock, paper, scissors, or wood, and adapt to each situation is incredibly cool. Rock sinks in water and is heavy, yet it allowed me to push blocks; paper enabled me to jump higher; scissors could cut grass, and wood allowed me to float on water. The game's concept is fantastic, fitting the theme perfectly, and I was able to finish it with both possible endings. I would have appreciated some music and special effects, along with a brief tutorial to guide players, but overall, it's quite understandable given the limited time available. It left me craving for more levels. An excellent game, congratulations!
Great game! I love the PSX-style graphics, and the map design is amazing. The gameplay is also good, and considering the limited time available, it's a fantastic achievement. The use of sound effects with the cricket is spectacular.
The issue is that I finished it in less than 2 minutes; the witches clustered together, and in very little time, I collected all the coins. My suggestion would be to place the coins in different locations across the map to encourage exploring this well-crafted map in search of the coins, or perhaps make the witches' AI a bit different to prevent them from clustering.
Nonetheless, I think it's a fantastic game, and reaching such a level of achievement in such a short time is admirable. Great game!
¡Excelente juego! Me ha mantenido entretenido durante bastante tiempo. La mecánica de descifrar los gustos, que se asemejan a adivinanzas para seleccionar a las víctimas, me resulta sumamente original. He logrado obtener 8 puntos y actualmente me ubico en la sexta posición, je, je. El aspecto visual del juego es muy bueno y la selección musical es perfecta, complementando la atmósfera del juego y generando tensión de manera constante.
Tengo un par de sugerencias. En primer lugar, la elección de la tipografía podría ser más legible. Aunque entiendo que se busca una integración con el estilo artístico, creo que sería posible optar por una fuente 'serif' que mantenga la estética deseada sin sacrificar la legibilidad. En segundo lugar, sería ideal incluir en el juego mismo alguna forma de explicación sobre cómo se juega, ya que al principio cuesta entenderlo.
A pesar de estos detalles, considero que el juego posee un enorme potencial. El hecho de haber alcanzado tal nivel de calidad en tan poco tiempo, 72 horas para una Game Jam, es admirable y muestra su gran potencial. Realmente disfruté jugándolo y creo que podría desarrollarse y refinarse aún más como un juego profesional. ¡Me ha encantado, de verdad! Felicitaciones por este magnífico juego.
The author's first game and their initial game jam experience remind me of myself because it embodies an incredibly original, unique, and genuine concept. I find the game impressive; the idea of mixing colors to advance to the next level, along with its execution, is quite spectacular and entertaining. The only thing missing, which is common in a first jam, is polish and certain aspects. I would love to learn how to play the game gradually, essentially through some sort of guided tutorial. Nonetheless, I must insist, it seems like a game with a very good, unique, and original idea that, if refined and accompanied by a good tutorial, could be a very professional and authorial game. Great game!
Wow! Incredible game! I'm amazed at how you've managed to combine all the graphic and sound elements to create a survival game that is both entertaining and highly engaging! The fact that there are so many different levels is astonishing. Perhaps initially, I would add simpler power-ups or more complex level-ups to reward the player and to see more enemy destruction, ha, ha. I would also pay a bit more attention to uploading the game to; the window comes up quite large and is a bit overwhelming. Despite this, I think it's an excellent and very well-polished game! Great job!
Great game, very polished in every aspect! The car control is fantastic, and the trail it leaves behind I love it. If I were to nitpick, I'd like to see the controls within the game itself, rather than having to read them in the description. Perhaps changing the text font could be considered. The difficulty level is a bit high for me, though that might also be because I'm not very good, ha ha. The music has improved compared to the author's previous games. The inclusion of a leaderboard adds a very professional touch. An excellent game!
The music in the introduction is spectacular! Is it your own? It fits the game perfectly and sounds very professional! The game itself is fantastic, with difficulty that's well-balanced. I might suggest filling out the Credits and Options sections a bit more. In the game, perhaps use anonymous names for the AI instead of well-known ones, mainly due to copyright issues. I'd also highlight the player's name in the standings in a different color, like yellow, for clear and sharp visibility of your position. The way the game stops when you reach the finish line seems a bit odd to me. But these are minor details in what is an excellently polished and well-made game. Great job!
I find it absolutely incredible, this kind of utterly wild games that really make you think and puzzle over. It starts with a shelf where you select a game, then it seems like a normal game, reminiscent of Pokémon. However, in my humble opinion, I believe it slightly misses the mark in guiding the player towards the game developer's intended idea. Navigating through the game is challenging, and while that might be part of the experience, it shouldn't make the player feel as if the game is poorly programmed. The "Be my friend :)" paired with that unsettling and intriguing melody is just phenomenal. An outstanding game!
Great game! It truly kept me entertained for quite a while! I love the music. The mechanics might be a bit simple at first, but it becomes captivating thanks to the unlimited mode. The mix between pixel art and digital painting style is not to my liking, in my humble opinion. However, the use of colors and the gradual difficulty level were very well executed. The game is really cool!
I really enjoyed the new version of this game! The decision to outline the player character in white is a brilliant touch that makes it stand out more. The redesigned map is more detailed, enhancing the overall experience. The music remains the same, yet it continues to be fantastic, adding to the game's ambiance. The addition of university course progressions introduces a cool new element of gameplay that I find very engaging.
Encountering a criminal in the game was an unexpected and thrilling twist! However, I did encounter an issue with the text size on GNU/Linux; it appears larger and overflows from the designated text boxes. Making a wrong decision led to an intriguing outcome where my character ended up at 54, having spent too much time working at a fast-food restaurant.
For me, this second version is significantly improved, more expansive, and more comprehensive. In my opinion, it would have been a strong contender to win the GoedWare Game Jam!
Realmente, el juego tiene un potencial enorme. Los gráficos, la música y los efectos de sonido son coherentes, y la idea detrás del juego es tanto buena como divertida. Lo único que necesitaría es una corrección de los pequeños errores para que la experiencia de este juego, aunque breve, sea completamente satisfactoria. ¡Me encantaría ver una versión mejorada de este juego!
La verdad es que el juego presenta una narrativa muy interesante. Me atraen especialmente el escenario, los gráficos y la música, los cuales han mantenido mi interés de inicio a fin, logro que pocos juegos con fuerte contenido narrativo e histórico alcanzan. El humor, de tono ácido a lo largo del juego, encaja perfectamente en la narrativa. Además, resulta intuitivo aprender a jugarlo desde el comienzo.
En cuanto a aspectos susceptibles de mejora, personalmente, las faltas de ortografía no son de mi agrado. Entiendo que puedan formar parte de una decisión de diseño con intención humorística, pero, en mi opinión, el juego ganaría en calidad prescindiendo de estos errores ortográficos. También, hubiera valorado positivamente la inclusión de una pantalla al final del juego que indicara de forma clara la conclusión de la historia principal, permitiendo luego continuar con el juego como está ahora.
A pesar de todo, lo considero un juego muy completo y bien estructurado para hacerse en unas 40 horas aproximadamente. ¡Mis felicitaciones!
¡Espectacular! ¡Impresionante juego! ¡Me falta un diario por conseguir que no lo encuentro!
Me encanta cómo, de una manera sencilla, indicas al jugador los controles y cómo se tiene que jugar, sin tener que leer manuales, eso indica un buen diseño del juego.
El enemigo me encanta, una mecánica tan sencilla pero muy pero que muy efectiva. De verdad que da miedo.
El diseño del mapa además me parece fantástico.
Mis felicitaciones por el juego, a mí me ha encantado.
Wow! Thank you very much for your words, really, I've been following you for months and I like your way of developing video games. In fact, the atmosphere of Dieztion is inspired by your game Ruiton (did you delete it?).
Regarding the counters, at first I had it, but the HUD looked very busy so I removed them. The game has Coyote Time if you notice, but it's very short time. But deep down you're right, I've had a game dynamics problem: making the player wait for a state to change is not a good design principle. And it's not because I didn't know, it's because I haven't organized myself well for 48 hours; I still have to improve for Ludum Dare's Compo format, a format I love.
I've been making video games for many years, but now is when I really want to improve thanks to Godot and other free (as in freedom) tools.
Thank you very much for your words, really.