are you sure you have enough personal money? (Not street budget, used to buy things from the post office)
Mind The Grease
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You’ll die of hunger if you’ve not eaten and your hunger is at the bottom before you sleep.
thanks for the feedback. I’m glad you appreciate it.
P.s, if you’ve not read in other comments, a large update will be coming soon and with it, the fixes that have been mentioned by yourself and others. Cheers!
I appreciate the feedback. I am working on Dead Edmund still but it’s been undergoing some large changes, once these are finished I’ll push a large update on here. And so, the tutorial will be completely reworked before its next release. It is a priority fix but it’ll come with its next change. Thanks!
4 rations are to be received at the end of the day by default. If you decline any of the DAC members requests, it decreases. Or, some characters may ask for a ration to help them out.
Yes, tax does increase ration cost, but there is a limit on how low. However, if you’ve increased the tax previously, and then lowered it again, it will decrease.
Stress will not change the ration amount, only the money you receive. :)
thanks for playing and the feedback!
Others have also mentioned that they’d like to see the ability to improve the max cap. So I’ll be sure to find a way for this! Currently, it is balanced for the demo so that it wouldn’t reach 0 during this playthrough, but you’re right, a longer play would become an issue if not balanced.
Stress currently affects your wage quite significantly. In the future when I’ve implemented the new dialogue system, It’ll have an effect on what choices the player can choose etc.
thanks for the feedback! I’m working on a new update which should be out relatively soon :)
Good point about the brightness, it is a dark game at times and only gets visually darker as the street health reduces. I’ll add a toggle prior to its full release!
as for the wonky doors, there are supposed to be small gates in front of those houses. I’m assuming it doesn’t come across that way? I’ll emphasise this with the art rework.
I had inspiration from Sort The Courts and Reigns mechanics. Just with a little more depth!
Thanks for playing Calciumlime
Thanks for playing and making a video of Dear Edmund! Glad you enjoyed it. There’s plenty of changes in the works that’ll hopefully make for an even better experience. One being balance which needs adjusting. Your feedback is definitely useful!
As the street health decreases there are visual changes to the buildings of the street, but you kept the health high at all times! (Mainly due to the fact you enjoyed telling Jack to fuck off haha) These decisions will be harder to decline in the future, I’ll make sure of that!
enjoyed the video, good job. Thanks Sake