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A member registered Aug 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Where a nostalgic night out at the rink meets UFOlogy and Egyptomania. Strikingly plausible! Circling 10s all the way down in the hopes I get to pick the next song (Monster Mash ad nauseam please).

Sure! I like the filters too, makes it even more abject 

*immediately buys stock in GREAT WESTERN PHARMA TAROT*

This is quite a little world! There is something oddly charming about the sprues that used to come with accessories for cheap toys. A ‘fixation’ which works exactly at the snowflake level. Beware the Barrys.

Haha thank you! The #10 sounds like a dependable avatar of fate,

PS. "wager my giblets" is an amazing phrase by the way.

thank you, very glad you enjoyed the *scrrreeetch*!

Good point I am similarly unsure... In any case, thank you for swinging by the pseudoscape!

Thank you, that’s very nice to hear. Let a thousand spores wriggle!

vermicelli necrophile mystique, cuneiformpilled orifice dualism,  AKA uh… the first REAL buddy comedy in over a decade!

who says the summer blockbuster is dead?

Thank you, fellow purger!

You are too kind! Luckily recertification is not due for another 10,000 years.

Thank you! I guess "x" in that instance was a placeholder for something undefined, rather than a specific x, but then again, maybe it was. I will have to go back and hunt for x's...

Like a patient etherized upon a hypercard

just like in real life, attendance is 90% of your grade

Thank you for the comments! The epiphanies actually came last (ain't it always so!)

Gorgeous, sociological, odd - a bestiary entry for one of gangland's most notorious cryptids.

Many thanks. I am glad they are of use to void-scholars such as yourself!

Thank you for the kind words! I am likewise very happy to see more of this completely crazy use of Decker to explore the unknown, it suits the tool really well. This one is super wild.

Oh that's an awesome field. You might be interested to know that the character described is called "Devil Bug".

You’re very welcome for the bugs indeed! Thanks. The Lippard quote comes from his completely bonkers 19th century gothic american novel called The Quaker City / The Monks of Monk Hall. It’s very good if you like Poe, Radcliffe, Shelley, Maturin etc.

Completely unhinged but in the end I found my swamp messiah. 5 out of 5 sentient crockpot leftovers.

and clipfreaks love you!

thank you, sorry about the real estate timeslip it happens there are specialized fixtures you can order next time

"Sex times Technology equals the Future" - JG Ballard

Thank you - service with a slime!

served with your choice of ur-salad, hypnosoup or golden home-made ideofries

thank you sportsfan! 

Incredibly creepy to listen to! You can sort of hear a vague vocalization over the banal calming music and it's very unnerving.

Excellent! Appreciate the damage report

I really enjoyed the fragmentary nature of this, sometimes hints and suggestions and a few notes are more evocative than a fully realized story. Also really great style.

Thanks so much and for your comments on the font. It is a custom (mis)use yes. There is indeed some "subliminal" text there that is not meant to be directly decoded, sort of inspired by an old 80s weightloss cassette I found which had subliminal messaging that you couldn't hear.

Bananas! Very enjoyable

Thanks for plunging! And thanks for all the tips in “Riddle of the Temple”, they definitely helped me figure some things out!

This game was really quirky and made me laugh! No major issues from what I could tell, very well conceived. I somehow found myself yearning for some sound effects - it might make the clicking feel more 'tactile' and satisfying. Also maybe an audio or visual cue when you have successfully made a purchase as I found myself unable to always tell if I suceeded in buying something or not. 

Fantastic job!

This goes hard! Really enjoyed the vicious use of colour and formatting, the use of 'subject' to dehumanize the characters etc.

Thanks very much indeed for the kind words! Very happy you enjoyed this little concoction. The metroschleim also sends its regards from the swatchrealm.

Traveling circles looks great thank you. I love the creative anthologizing/list building, it's a really great thing to help people find niche things and also make hidden connections.

Thanks! I think the word just "appeared" and I just had to cobble something around it. It would be an interesting name for a bird I agree. "The Common touchbutter is a small sparrow with a distinctive creamy crown."

(1 edit)

Summa cum laude! And thanks for your write up. Actually your whole collection is quite cool and I look forward to delving into some of those other oddities you found.

Use it well, dear alumnus!