也许不是一段时间 开发团队很小,游戏还没有接近完成 当开发接近完成时,可以提供简体中文翻译 目前,我们所能提供的最多就是如何玩游戏的指南。
Yeah sorry about that. That seemed to only happen recently and will replace it shortly.
The red and blue vending machines had the other features that would compliment the gameplay and bullet time.
The white vending machine has been implemented in build 0811. Dispenses 1 heart at the cost of 10 coins.
In sense, don’t try to mug cops.
Ahhh I’m already dead, stop shooting my butt!
Someone has to (´ω`)
We had vending machines with powerups but the guy responsible for it was having SCM issues. They were for carpet bombs and a lot of dumb stuff. I pushed the submission build and they can be put in the morning.
That's the problem, the artist never drew a soft version so it'll always be kept up.
She's wearing too much clothes.