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A member registered Oct 27, 2015 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

This game is so immersive; u can rly pick who u r without being stat checked. The ROs 💓 no matter what 😍

the current spicy scenes r so 🌶 and detailed 😳 and every character is so well rounded so far! 10/10 ⭐

Awaiting the next update w bated breath!

Sorry but still glitching 😔

Nooo 😭 im not rdy for it to end!!!

(1 edit)

New chapter is great! 


Did anyone choose to ally with the historians?

Or to eithet take the merchant to court or use as leverage? Does this affect relationships?

Love the story is it still on hiatus? Or will u only be updating the patreon version?

OMG ur amazing! Amd a total work horse! Thanks for all ur hard work! Please keep writing!

Yay! I got a pet! Loved the update! Didn't disappoint at all

*vibrates w/ anticipation*

(1 edit)

love it! One of my fave wips. Will there eventually be a save.system?

Need. More. Im obsessed.

I'm so excited for the next update! I love this wip

Absolutely amazing. I'm in suspense for the next chapter!

Alright im addicted now i keep replaying

I cant stop checking if this game is updated; its almost a tick now!

The guide links arent working 😟

Does n e 1 know how many/what/how personality types there r to get?

Sigh* i feel bad breaking up tala and ulrich...

😭 give me back my sweet not depressed Bradley !!!!!

I'd for sure subscribe 😃

I am stuck on literally the same problem! Y do i feel like the stats r overly confusing?

(2 edits)

Officially in my top 10!

Random question: SPOILER

Do we always call down lightening in ch.3 when we r ambushed?

Eeee yay!

Do u have a patreon?

Can't. Stop.Replaying.

*obsessively checks for new chapter for the last 65 days*

Im not obsessed.

 Definitely not obsessed. 

...ok i might be obsessed

So this is a rly specific ask with SPOILERS but is it possible to hold rylans hand at the club otw to see mirai, or r we just not there yet?

Ahhh so excited!!!

Idk i love hunter. With vincent, i feel like there's a fine line between cold and straight up cruel that he definitely crosses. He's just mean...

Seriously? Thats it? Thats the only way to prevent it!?! Wtf

Is this still active?

(3 edits)

Help! SPOILER Did i do something wrong or does hunter reject us in ch. 4 no matter what? It feels like theres very little romance reward here and the MC is like 20 now...

Also have timed choices been implemented yeet?

I have health problems too; ur amazing for pushing through and writing!

Thanks! Sorry take ur time, i was just curious. And also u maybe got me're a great writer!

Sorry if youve answered this before, but will you be updating soon? Or will you post chapter 5 after youve posted six to ur paetron?

Is there like a guide up?

Will this be made downloadable to android devices like my kindle fire tablet?

Jw can malcolm be romanced alone?

No i get that i just meant even cps has welfare checks beyond what the parents fill out in a form...i don't think salyra could have visited but if someone is like"sure ur kids fine no u can't talk to them" like kids die that way all the time, my grandmother does social work with foster children and adoption. Also hiring someone to check wouldn't have put her at risk would it? The hired person wouldn't even have to make contact...but point taken i guess...

(1 edit)


*sigh* i don't get why the mom nvr even sent someone to check on us? In 15 hears? Couldn't she have at least hired someone like lord randall to check? Or maybe at least a clear apology and admitting she must have left her to an aweful childhood? Or at least that she fcked up? 

Ugh this has got my heart in knots! 

I CANNOT get x relationship steady! Does anyone have the choices to do that? Dk what i did.wrong

Im having trouble being honest w khan and prioritizing the public. I did get it once a long time ago, was that a glitch?