I thought about having a clockwise and counter clockwise button, or even using WASD to be able to turn to whichever direction you want. I decided to leave it with just the one button to add to the challenge. Considering its only 6 levels, I wanted it to be a bit hard, but definitely doable.
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Thank you! I was originally going to change the kids and houses from just changing colours to actual costume changes (along with colours themes, ie. White ghost, orange pumpkin, purple witch) but I ended up really liking the simplicity of just using the cylinders and cubes. I was afraid having costumes and too many decorations would make it harder to comprehend quickly. Plus, I like how it looks like it could take place on a small tabletop :)
And I am an fan for intuitive design and being able to learn how to play just by playing. So thank you for that!
I had thought about a key press, like you said, to change costumes, but after playtesting without it I rather enjoyed trying to avoid bumping into others by making sure to go around them. I understand that it can definitely be frustrating at times (especially when they are clumped together!) but I think it adds to the challenge.
I spent a while trying to figure out how to have the number of houses that light up increase nicely over time, glad you liked it :)
Fun stuff! Nothing more enjoyable than a lil bit of destruction. Was there a way to get the toilet paper? I tried so hard to figure it out, but wasn't able to.
Also, side note, as I was clicking around I noticed that I could change the progress of both the police and destruction by clicking on the progress bars :P