Ive found that if you go to the teach menu and simply hit go it will reset the job que and they will go for a while before needing to reset again. This works well with my tool users. They will often get stuck when they need to grab a new tool and clicking go will reset them and get things rolling again.
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I am setting up wood farming and i have my digger and cutter doing their jobs and automatically grabbing new tools no problem. My collectors are the problem. I have two for getting logs and two for grabbing seeds. One log grabber will follow directions and fill hands properly but the other will only grab one log at a time. Same directions mind you. My seed grabbers will only grab one seed at a time. My planter is working just fine as well. Seed grabber code is as follows:
Repeat: till hands are full
-find nearest seed
-move to seed
-pick up seed
Repeat: till hands are empty
-move to seedling tray
-add to seedling tray
I have tried the second repeat being within and out of the first repeat cycle. Within will get me one seed at a time and out will fill hands but ignore second repeat function.