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A member registered Sep 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Cursor Cat is adorable! Even without audio I had great time playing this. The idea seems very original and the game worked very well. If given more time to add audio and maybe polish the spooky virus design a bit it would have been even better. My favourite part was leading the viruses to their doom, and ofc Cursor Cat's little cursor tail.

Escape the File's biggest crime was that I couldn't play as pink virtual guy :D

You can collect the files, jump, move to next level and reset level if stuck, and after finishing the game you can play again! It has nice music and graphics but I would argue that the door's colors would match better if they were the same ones that were used in the outlines of levels and enemy. Also I would've liked to see a brand new character instead of the same guy I recognized from a youtube tutorial.  However the game works so the game maker can be very proud of themselves.

Despite running out of time and cutting some features, "Double Density Data Defender" is fun little shooter game. The controls worked well, and I was positively surprised that you could even switch between weapons.  Graphics looked great and pretty polished too, like the menus, player, enemies etc. Well done!

All the times I heard the file go "Oh nooo" made me feel so bad for the lil guy XD
The Nail Files has interesting but fitting music, not hard but little challenging way of moving, and many levels + even level selector. It was noted that the red parts in the level are not to harm the player, yet I felt little alarmed everytime because of the color, BUT I can see why it was used since red and blue both were the main colors used in this game. The character design of player was little creepy but I felt sympathy for the nail file, who was just trying to get back to the hand.

I'm pretty sure I didn't find all the secrets this game had but I did get two endings! The office has many colorful co-workers bothering you through the week, and email can get busy so you better be reading through them asap. Audio fits, and managing your tasks is fun! The game fits the theme in my opinion well too.
I did encounter the mentioned bug when you read your email at 5:00 but for me it didn't break my game, and I was able to continue the next day without problems.

Good job!!!

Pause menu big plus! The File Knight fits the theme and very obviously has a file in it. The character design is definitely unique, and so is the story behind the world (I have never imagined what it would be like to run on a human toe as a miniscule little guy but now I've seen everything).

I know I had some control of the camera, but the shaking and camera moving all over the place got me a motion sickness. Sadly this is why I cound't finish the game after dying a few times.

Unfortunately I was unable to open this game but luckily my friend streamed it for me. The game fits the theme and has special object in major part. The graphic designs were creative and cute, and audio had right vibe to it. When the character got hurt they got send back to the corner, which was fun and silly but could have been little faster or had different sprite for it or something.

Character is very cute and has nice lil animation, and wall jumping mechanic worked but was little hard to pull off. Sadly I was unable to finish the game because of the epileptic part. I didn't notice epilepsy warning so I would've liked a warning in the game itself.  Anyway that's where I got stuck somewhere in the dark. Also audio would have been nice.

The tutorial goes so fast in the beginning so I was unsure what I was meant to do, but figured it out in the end. Theme is clear, and the vibe is right. I think there was too much story left to be read in the end, but it is understandable in such a short game made in short time. 

Fits theme more than well. We had lot of fun playing this with friends. Who knew upgrading to Windows 11 could be so fun and challenging at the same time!

I love how the theme is revealed. Not your typical connect three or "matching fruits". Definitely surprising!

The sounds gave just the right feeling to the game, dark and spooky, but when light turned on it was so rewarding and nice! My time was 3:56 which might not be great but it is a maze after all :D

Love the player(so cute!!!) and slime monster(horrifying) designs! Also good choice of music, and without spoiling too much I think the map change was creative idea. I was able to win the game with just two files, and quit button didn't work, but I think this is solid good short game.