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A member registered May 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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I made the tetris row clear in 3d (you can check the updated version on my profile, though it's still not finished)

I though about that but it would pose a problem if you could turn the cube with the tetromino in it and if it colided with another tetromino it would be instant game over.  I've implemented new ideas and it's a bit improved. Going to upload it when the voting period ends. Make sure to check it out then. Thank you for coment and trying the game out.

Thank you, I've implemented some of that but I'll update it when the voting period ends. Make sure to check it out then. 

Love the game. Love the name. Great job

I ran out of time to do music unfortunately. Will be implementing sounds and music when the voting period is over. I've got a better build already but just incase, since it's my first game jam I don't want to risk anything. Thank you for the comment.

Thank you for the comment. I didn't want it to turn when the tetrahedon is in it because I want it to be a bit of a challenge. And I already have a couple of improvements implemented and will update the game as soon as the voting period is over.

I did the tetris row mechanic but in 3d I guess, maybe not the most original idea but it's mine and I'm proud of it

Mine probably isn't the most original idea, but it's good enough for my first jam. I turned the tetris row clear into a 3d row clear (Disabled scoring due to me implementing it last minute and it was buggy)