Hi, I'm Mat. Nice to meet you here
Hi, I made a side-scorolling superhot : https://itch.io/jam/mix-and-game-jam/rate/498608
Hi Mat! Nice to meet you, for our first Jam my friends and I made Planet of Delirium, it uses the look behind mechanic from Outlast.
Hey, I made a "Better Together" Edition of the game HERE. It plays on your browser, so you can give it a shot. (https://mat13109.itch.io/yeeting-over-it-better-together-edition)
Here is my game, its a topdown shooter where defeating a boss grants you their ability. These abilities range from games like SuperHot and Portal
I kindly need your review
My team's attempt to reimagine Megaman Battle Network franchise for the Gameboy Advance in 3D.
Thanks! Hope you enjoy it!
I kindly encourage you to check my game "Little Nightmare" out! I made it with a buddy of mine, and we're desperately waiting for feedback!
This was our first jam as a Team, we are really happy about our job and very excited about the other games we already played during this time, Thank you to all who play our games.
Here's my game: https://itch.io/jam/mix-and-game-jam/rate/498939 Its my second game jam in life, first by my own, so its not perfect haha leave some feedback.
Hello, Mat! Have a nice day! We are NDA Games, and we are pleased to present you our project for a 48-hour gamejam.
We were visited by the idea of making recognizable chess a little more interesting for everyone, not only in the 2D dimension, but also in 3D! In our game, figures can walk not only forward and backward, but also up and down, in an 8x8 facet cube. Stylish design, convenient controls, and a lot of interesting experience are waiting for you!
We will be glad if you play and rate our game, and in return we will rate yours!
Hello guys, I just wanted you to vote for my game, thanks to everyone who does (:
Hey! We tried our hand at recreating Tracer's and Ekko's time bending abilities and it would be nice to know what you think of the game :D
Hello would you Line to play my game?
Hello, we try to recreate basic mechanics of games like Revenge of Shinobi, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time and The Messenger, we didn't have time to finish the level but I hope you enjoy it.
Hi Mat! I made a casual game with Slime Rancher's vacuum mechanics =)
Hello, Mat!
I will be able play your game tonight when I get home from work.
Here is my entry, Dimensional Slow Down. An attempt of implementing slow mo game play, similar to Super Hot or dead eye from Red Dead Redemption.
There is a google drive download alternative that will allow you to get to the end, if you so desire, found on the game's actual page.
Take care :)
Our entry: https://itch.io/jam/mix-and-game-jam/rate/498846
We always appreciate feedback ^^
Hey Mat! Would love to hear your thoughts about my game: https://avivajpeyi.itch.io/chaingame
My take on recreating The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds' wall merge mechanic, except that the painting can only move in 2D. Do tell me what you think! :D
Hi Mat! Thanks for doing this, I admit I struggled with the time limit so it's a bit half baked, but here's my entry: https://itch.io/jam/mix-and-game-jam/rate/499303
I'll be sure to return the favour, thanks again!
Here is my game: https://ingridwolf.itch.io/keeping-up-with-the-buzzards
I'll play and rate yours today.